POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Unicode converter?!? Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:39:55 EST (-0500)
  Unicode converter?!? (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Reusser
Subject: Unicode converter?!?
Date: 14 Nov 2002 22:24:54
Message: <141120022124129313%reu1000@chorus.net>
When I try to start MacMegaPov on my (OLD) 6320 Performa, I get the
message: could not start ... unicode converter not found ...  I found
and installed the appearance manager and navigation services before I
even tried pov, but now I get this message.  What extension am I
missing?  Where can I find it?

(Yes, I know pov isn't too much good when we have a G3 too...)

- Ricky

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From: Christopher James Huff
Subject: Re: Unicode converter?!?
Date: 15 Nov 2002 15:58:19
Message: <chrishuff-992CA1.15573515112002@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <141120022124129313%reu### [at] chorusnet>,
 Reusser <reu### [at] chorusnet> wrote:

> When I try to start MacMegaPov on my (OLD) 6320 Performa, I get the
> message: could not start ... unicode converter not found ...  I found
> and installed the appearance manager and navigation services before I
> even tried pov, but now I get this message.  What extension am I
> missing?  Where can I find it?

Which version of MacMegaPOV was it? You might want to contact 
Smellenbergh through the e-mail on the MacMegaPOV web site, MegaPOV is 
not an official version and is not officially supported, and if you are 
using the unofficial GUI there is nothing in common with the official 
Also, you need to give some more information about the system you are 
running, just the machine doesn't help much.

Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg

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From: Reusser
Subject: Re: Unicode converter?!?
Date: 15 Nov 2002 17:38:06
Message: <151120021637213301%reu1000@chorus.net>
Sorry.  I should have known better.  I just thought someone might know
off the top of their head.  Plus, I was frustrated and in a hurry last
night since it took at least an hour and a half to find and download
the correct POV and the two extensions, compress them into segments,
onto floppies, etc...  And it didn't work.  (I used to be able to
network the computers with a crossover cable, but that doesn't seem to
work from OS 7 to OS X) :(

After searching the web for a little while today, I found out my
computer was missing the Text Encoding Converter extension.  I copied
it from classic to the Performa and now it works.

 - Ricky

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