On 1/28/21 1:37 PM, Thorsten wrote:
> Hello,
> you need to find out who created that port and figure out what they did.
> The regular Unix code does not create any menu bar or icon because it
> simply knows nothing about Mac OS X.
> The other thing is that you should not be starting 2000 instances of
> POV-Ray at the same time...
> Thorsten
> On 28.01.2021 17:05, Francois LE COAT wrote:
>> I don't know how I should modify it, so that is doesn't use a menu bar,
>> and show an icon in the macOS dock. "Display=Off" is set, so what should
>> I do more ? I want POV-Ray to be quiet ... The menu bar and icon are
>> embarrassing. That prevents from using anything else than POV-Ray :-(
I agree with Thorsten that finding the author of your particular port
and asking them whether one can suppress the menu bar and icon may
ultimately be your only option.
That said, people doing mac ports have posted unix/linux build issues to
github - so some are using the shipped unix/linux build system. You have
the display off - good. Somewhere you are issuing a command line like:
povray your.ini ...
It's a shot in the dark, but add '--preview text' to the command line
and see if that helps... Try first running a single job with that
command line. It's a unix/linux only option and not an ini settable one.
If it isn't supported / doesn't work, it should be immediately obvious
from one render.
Agree too that, if you are submitting 2000 jobs at once, that's likely
as much the issue with usability as anything. Funneling jobs in over
time would be better and doing that in a way tied to the availability of
system resources best. I'd taken what you said to be 2000 jobs one after
another over 30 minutes (<1s a render).
And a clarification to what Thorsten said about icons and POV-Ray as
shipped. On unix/linux, if you are running a window manager which looks
to generate icons from opening X11 windows, you do get them unless you
override default(s).
Bill P.
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