POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : [Q] POV-Ray in command line : Re: [Q] POV-Ray in command line Server Time
15 Oct 2024 14:27:42 EDT (-0400)
  Re: [Q] POV-Ray in command line  
From: Thorsten
Date: 28 Jan 2021 13:37:00
Message: <6013044c$1@news.povray.org>

you need to find out who created that port and figure out what they did. 
The regular Unix code does not create any menu bar or icon because it 
simply knows nothing about Mac OS X.

The other thing is that you should not be starting 2000 instances of 
POV-Ray at the same time...


On 28.01.2021 17:05, Francois LE COAT wrote:
> William F Pokorny writes:
>> Francois LE COAT wrote:
>>> I use POV-Ray in command line under macOS Catalina and Macports,
>>> and run it about 2000 times, in order to render 2000 images. My
>>> issue is when you launch `povray` in command line, it opens a
>>> menu bar, and displays an icon in the macOS dock ...
>>> Is there a command line option, that prevents POV-Ray from displaying
>>> a menu bar and an icon in the dock ?
>> Unsure if true with the macOS version you are running, but with 
>> Linux/Unix versions (which only display an icon) you can use '-d' to 
>> not create a preview display and icon or '--preview text' (or '-y 
>> text) to use the inbuilt text only mode.

> I don't know how I should modify it, so that is doesn't use a menu bar,
> and show an icon in the macOS dock. "Display=Off" is set, so what should
> I do more ? I want POV-Ray to be quiet ... The menu bar and icon are
> embarrassing. That prevents from using anything else than POV-Ray :-(

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