POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Stack Size Testers Wanted : Re: Fwd: Stack Size Testers Wanted Server Time
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  Re: Fwd: Stack Size Testers Wanted  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 16 Feb 2019 10:17:34
Message: <5c68298e$1@news.povray.org>
On 2/15/19 7:44 PM, clipka wrote:
> Forgot to cross-post to `povray.beta-test`:
> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
> Betreff: Stack Size Testers Wanted
> Datum: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 01:40:46 +0100
> Von: clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg>
> Newsgruppen: povray.macintosh
> Hi folks,
> I'm looking for guinea pigs for a particular test.
> Here's the background:
> A while ago we (well, some of you) were having issues with crashes due 
> to insufficient thread stack size on Mac OS X, or in one case even on 
> Linux; we solved these issues with a workaround to override the 
> per-thread stack size (or, in the Linux case, increase that override).

I've attached an attractors.zip file to a comment to the github issue:


which is a related open issue. One which should be closed if recent 
updates have better addressed the problem.

The zip contains a set of test cases from ThH (Thorsten) at the bottom 
should others want to test in their environment(s). Two or more of which 
failed still after the updates in early 2017. Third down being one of 

These now all run cleanly for me. Ubuntu 18.04 at master (v38) at commit 

And 3rd fails still for me going back to v3.71 release branch at commit 
9808f53 (Jun 24 2017 with updates).

Christoph, Remember we at some point ran across some information 
suggesting windows runs with stack monitoring and splitting/growing the 
stack. Perhaps why windows could always run with a smaller stack and why 
we never saw such fails on windows. Stack splitting as needed due growth 
could be turned on with the gnu compiler - at a performance hit. This 
suggested we might want to turn off such splitting in windows for a 
performance gain. All two year old looks though, and nothing ever tried 
as far as I know, so who knows how things stand today. If just a windows 
compiler setting for you though, might be worth just trying a windows 
compile with splitting off if we are in good shape thread-stack size 

This leads to me close with being somewhat worried about the suggested 
test size of 512KB. We still have some largish stack allocations - the 
sturm solver when we increased the max order from 15 to 35(why ?) in 
v3.7 now causes a 600KB plus (??? don't recall exactly) allocation on 
the stack - at a considerable performance penalty I'll add(1) - no 
matter the actual incoming equation order. This alone might cause your 
suggested size of 512KB to fail. Well, except perhaps on windows where 
presumably splitting still in place.

I did not run master with 512KB as you suggested or a clang compile with 
the current larger default. I'm focused elsewhere at the moment and 
changes to the more common headers are painfully slow for me to compile 
and try.

Bill P.

(1) - My C++ ish attempts to address this have all been really slow or 
not worked at all when I try to get fancy/fast with raw memory 
allocations and pointers. C and some C++ compilers (IBM's XLC being one) 
support the needed dynamic structure array-size allocation mechanism 
with high performance. This a reason - among others - why I'm toying 
some with taking the common solver code back to straight C. We will 
soon, I think? - move to a mixed C++/C mode in picking up FreeType 
which, as I remember, is actually a C library - so perhaps not so crazy.

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