![](/i/fill.gif) |
this has been driving me crazy for years. whats the deal with the stiches not
showing up on this watchband? (hope this inc file is enough for anyone who care
to check it.)
btw. pov rocks!
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: ?.pov
// Vers: 3.5
// Desc: watch
// Date: april 2004
// Auth: foam
//#include "cords.inc"
#version 3.5;
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
background { color rgb <0.1, 0.3, 0.8> }
// ----------------------------------------
camera { //19
location <-0.0, 0.0, -19.7> // <0.0, 4.0, -3.0> // <6.0, 0., -1.0> //
<0.0, -3., -3.0> //
// <.0, -5.0, -6.0> // <3.0, -5.0, -2.1> //
direction 1.5*z
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0.0, 0.00, 0.0>// <0.0, -5.0, 0.0> //
rotate y*-0 translate<0,0,0> }
// An area light (creates soft shadows)
light_source {
<0, 0, 0> // light's position (translated below)
color rgb <1, 1, 1> // light's color
translate <5.0, 0., -4.0> //<4.0, -5., -2.0>//
#declare STRAPTEX= //Brown
texture { pigment {Brown/3.5} normal {quilted scale 0.2 control0 1 control1 1
rotate 90*z scale <1,1,0.4> turbulence .2}}
#declare WATCH = union{
#include "watchface.inc"
#declare CF_ShowTickMarks = yes;
#declare CF_ShowBorder = no; #declare CF_BorderWidth = 0.1;
// #declare CF_FontName ="comic.ttf"
#declare CF_NumeralScale = <0.8,0.9,1>; //Goldenrod Tan
#declare CF_FaceTexture = texture {pigment {Feldspar}}//{Jade scale 5 }
#declare CF_NumeralTexture = texture { pigment { rgb <0,0,0> } finish {
ambient 0.4 } } #declare CF_HandTexture = texture { pigment { rgb <0.5,1,0.5>
} finish {
ambient 0.3 } } #declare CF_KnobTexture = texture { CF_NumeralTexture }
CF_BorderTexture = texture { CF_HandTexture }
#declare CLOCK=
// ClockFace (3, 30, 37)
ClockFace (7, 10, 47) //.01
scale 0.25 translate <-0.00,0.0,-.12> }
object {CLOCK}
// ----------------------------------------
//wind 1.2 1.28
#declare CUT= box { <-.3, -.005, -.13>, <.3, .005, -.15> } //rotate x*40
#declare CUTALL=
#declare Index = 15;
#while(Index <= 360)
object { CUT rotate x*Index }
#declare Index = Index + 15;
#declare WIND=
difference { //.12
cylinder { <0.0, 0, -0.0>, <.08, 0, 0.0>, .14 pigment {Green}}// translate x*1.2
// box { <-.3, -.01, -.11>, <.3, .01, -.13> } //rotate x*40
object {CUTALL}
object {WIND translate x*1.2 }
torus { 1.0, 0.2 rotate x*90 scale 1 texture {Silver1 }}//pigment {Red}}
cylinder { <0, 0, -0.5>, <0, 0, 0.5>, 1 texture {Silver1 }}
cylinder { <0, 0, 0.01>, <0, 0, 0.2>, 1.2 pigment {Red/3}}
//disc { <0, 0, 0>, z, 1.0, 0.0 pigment {Yellow/2*White*2/2} }
//#declare COVER=
cylinder { <0, 0, -0.21>, <0, 0, -0.1>, 1.0 //texture {Glass}//
pigment {Clear}
#declare GRAB=
cylinder { <0.5, 0.2, 0>, <0.5, 0, 0>, .05 pigment {Red} translate x*.1}
cylinder { <-0.5, 0.2, 0>, <-0.5, 0, 0>, .05 pigment {Green} translate x*-.1}
#declare TURN=
torus { 0.2, 0.05 rotate x*90}
box { <-.5, 0, -.5>, <.5, -.5,.5> }
box { <-.5, .5, -.5>, <.0, -.5,.5> }
//new make bigger
translate x*.1}
// turn bend
object{TURN translate <0.30,0.20,.0>} //right
object{TURN rotate y*180 translate <-0.30,0.20,.0>} //left
cylinder { <-0.4, 0, 0>, <0.4, 0, 0>, .05 translate <0.0,0.40,.0> pigment
}//end grab
object {GRAB translate y*0.955}
object {GRAB rotate x*180 translate y*-0.955}
#declare BSTRAPtop= union{
//box { <-.5, -.47, .0>, <.45, -.20, -.1>pigment {White/2} translate y*1.7}
object { Round_Box_Union(<-.5, -.47, .0>,<.5, -.20, -.1>, .06) texture {
STRAPTEX} translate y*1.7 }
//cylinder { <0, 0, 0.00>, <0, 0, -0.1>, .45 pigment {White}
object{ Round_Cylinder_Union(<0, 0, 0.00>, <0, 0, -0.1>,.5 , .04) texture {
clipped_by { plane { -y, 0.0 } }
translate y*1.4
//box { <-.45, -.47, -.0>, <.45, 1.20, .1>pigment {White/4} translate y*1.7}
//#declare STRAP=
object { Round_Box_Union(<-.5, -.47, -.0>,<.5, 3.0, .1>, .06)
texture { STRAPTEX} // pigment {White/2}
translate y*1.7 translate z*-.0}
//cylinder { <0, 4.2,-0.1>, <0,4.2, .2>, .05 }
//} pigment {Red}
#declare STITCHTX=
texture { pigment {Red*1}finish {ambient 1}}
#declare TSTITCH= //round stitchs
torus { 0.4, 0.01 texture {STITCHTX}// pigment {White}
rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { -y, 0.0 } }
clipped_by { plane { -y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*18 }
//top lower
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-5 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1}
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-35 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-65 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-95 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-125 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-155 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
cylinder { <0.4, 1.26, -0.11>, <0.4, 1.38, -0.11>, .01 texture
{STITCHTX}//pigment {White}
cylinder { <-0.4, 1.26, -0.11>, <-0.4, 1.38, -0.11>, .01 texture
{STITCHTX}//pigment {White}
//object {TSTITCH rotate z*-30}
}//end union BSTRAP top
#declare BSTRAPbot= union{
//box { <-.5, -.47, .0>, <.45, -.20, -.1>pigment {White/2} translate y*1.7}
object { Round_Box_Union(<-.5, -.47, .0>,<.5, -.20, -.1>, .06) texture {
STRAPTEX} translate y*1.7 }
//cylinder { <0, 0, 0.00>, <0, 0, -0.1>, .45 pigment {White}
object{ Round_Cylinder_Union(<0, 0, 0.00>, <0, 0, -0.1>,.5 , .04) texture {
STRAPTEX}//pigment {White}
clipped_by { plane { -y, 0.0 } }
translate y*1.4
//box { <-.45, -.47, -.0>, <.45, 1.20, .1>pigment {White/4} translate y*1.7}
#declare HOLE= cylinder { <0, 5.5,-0.2>, <0,5.5, .2>, 0.05 translate y*-.4}
//cylinder { <0, 4.6,-0.1>, <0,4.6, .2>, .05 }
#declare HOLES=
#declare IndexH = -0.2;
#while(IndexH <= -6.0)
object { HOLE translate y*IndexH }
#declare IndexH = IndexH - .2;
//#declare STRAP=
object { Round_Box_Union(<-.5, -.47, -.0>,<.5, 3.5, .1>, .06) texture {
STRAPTEX} translate y*1.7 translate z*-.0}
object{HOLE} //3.0
object{HOLE translate y*-.4}
object{HOLE translate y*-0.8}
object{HOLE translate y*-1.2}
//object{HOLE translate y*-1.6}
#declare TSTITCH=
torus { 0.4, 0.01 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { -y, 0.0 } }
clipped_by { plane { -y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*18 }
texture {STITCHTX}
//pigment {White} finish {ambient 0.1}
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-5 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1}
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-35 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-65 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-95 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-125 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
object {TSTITCH rotate z*-155 translate y*1.4 translate z*-.1 }
cylinder { <0.4, 1.26, -0.11>, <0.4, 1.38, -0.11>, .01 texture
{STITCHTX}//pigment {White}
cylinder { <-0.4, 1.26, -0.11>, <-0.4, 1.38, -0.11>, .01 texture
{STITCHTX}//pigment {White}
//object {TSTITCH rotate z*-30}
}//end union BSTRAP bot
object{BSTRAPtop }
object{BSTRAPbot rotate z*180}
//cylinder { <0.4, 1.26, -0.11>, <0.4, 1.38, -0.11>, .01 pigment {Black} }
//cylinder { <-0.4, 1.26, -0.11>, <-0.4, 1.38, -0.11>, .01 pigment {Black} }
#declare STITCH=
cylinder { <0.4, 1.46, -0.01>, <0.4, 1.58, -0.01>, .01 texture { STITCHTX}}
#declare STITCHALL=
#declare sIndex = .2;
#while(sIndex <= 3.5) //3
object { STITCH translate y*sIndex }
#declare sIndex = sIndex + .2;
object {STITCHALL translate z*-.015} //top right translate z*-.01
object {STITCHALL translate x*-0.8 translate z*-.015}//top left
object {STITCHALL translate y*-6.76 translate z*-.015}//bottom right translate
object {STITCHALL translate <-0.8,-6.76,0> translate z*-.015} //bottom left
// straploop
//#declare LOOP=
object { Round_Box_Union(<-.55, 4.75, -.1>, <.55, 5.05, .1>, .06) texture {
STRAPTEX}}//pigment {White/4}}
object { Round_Box_Union(<-.51, 4.6, -.05>, <.51, 5.2, .2>, .06) texture {
STRAPTEX}}//pigment {White/4}}
translate <-0, -1.0, -0.0>
box { <-.1, 4.7, -.0>, <.1, 4.9, .1> pigment {White}}
//top of strap
object{ Round_Cylinder_Union(<-.5, 4.8, 0.05>, <.5,4.8, 0.05>,.15 , .01) texture
{ STRAPTEX} scale <1,1,0.4>}
//cylinder { <0.4, -0.05, -0.05>, <0.4, 0.05, -0.035>, .01 pigment {White}
rotate x*15 translate y*4.87}
//cylinder { <0.4, -0.05, -0.040>, <0.4, 0.05, -0.025>, .01 pigment {White}
rotate x*-20 translate y*4.74}
// top metal thing
object{Round_Cone_Union(<.55,4.8, 0.05>,.05,<.55,5.2, 0.05>, .08 .01)pigment
object{Round_Cone_Union(<-.55,4.8, 0.05>,.05,<-.55,5.2, 0.05>, .08 .01)pigment
#declare TORLOOP=
torus { 0.3, 0.08 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { -y, 0.0 } }
clipped_by { plane { x, 0.0 inverse}}
//translate <.31,5.5,0>
object {TORLOOP translate <.25,5.2,0.05> pigment {Red}}
object {TORLOOP rotate y*180 translate <-.25,5.2,0.05> }
cylinder { <-0.25, 5.5, 0.05>, <0.25,5.5, 0.05>, .08 pigment {Red}}
//loop stick //4.8 //5.5
cylinder { <-0., -0.0, -0.02>, <0.,.58, -0.03>, .04 pigment {Yellow} }
sphere { <0, 0, -0.03>, 0.040 translate y*.58 pigment {Yellow/2}}
rotate x*-2.9 translate y*4.9}
//#declare BOT= //.03
object{ Round_Cylinder_Union(<-.0, 0, -0.01>, <-.0,0, 0.1>,.495 , .0300 )
clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 } } scale <1,1.4,1>
texture { STRAPTEX} translate y*-4.65 translate y*-0.5
// scale <0.99,1,0.98> new
//object{ Round_Cylinder_Union(<.25, -4.9, 0.05>, <.25,-4.9, -0.05>,.15 , .01)
pigment {White/2} scale z*0.4}
#declare Zback = -.01;
//torus { 0.4, 0.01 clipped_by { plane { -z, 0.0 } } rotate x*90
//clipped_by { plane {y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*180 }
//pigment {White} //scale y*1.4
//translate y*-4.59 translate z*Zback
//cylinder { <0.4, 1.36, -0.01>, <0.4, 1.68, -0.01>, .01 pigment
{White}translate y*-6.6}
#declare BOTstich=
torus { 0.4, 0.01 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { y, 0.01 } }
clipped_by { plane {y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*13 }
texture { STITCHTX}// pigment {White}//
scale <1,1.4,1> //y*1.4
translate y*-4.7 translate z*Zback translate z *-.015
torus { 0.4, 0.01 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 } rotate -z*20}
clipped_by { plane {y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*34 }
texture { STITCHTX}//pigment {White}//
scale <1,1.4,1>
translate y*-4.7 translate z*Zback translate z *-.015
torus { 0.4, 0.01 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 } rotate -z*40}
clipped_by { plane {y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*58 }//lenght
texture { STITCHTX}//pigment {White}//
scale <1,1.4,1>
translate y*-4.7 translate z*Zback translate z *-.015
torus { 0.4, 0.01 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 } rotate -z*64}
clipped_by { plane {y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*90 }
texture { STITCHTX}// pigment {White}//
scale <1,1.4,1>
translate y*-4.7 translate z*Zback translate z *-.015
torus { 0.4, 0.01 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 } rotate -z*100}
clipped_by { plane {y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*120 }
texture { STITCHTX}//pigment {White}
scale <1,1.4,1>
translate y*-4.7 translate z*Zback translate z *-.015
torus { 0.4, 0.01 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 } rotate -z*126}
clipped_by { plane {y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*142 }
texture { STITCHTX}//pigment {White}
scale <1,1.4,1>
translate y*-4.7 translate z*Zback translate z *-.015
torus { 0.4, 0.01 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 } rotate -z*148}
clipped_by { plane {y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*162 }
texture { STITCHTX}//pigment {White}
scale <1,1.4,1>
translate y*-4.7 translate z*Zback translate z *-.015
torus { 0.4, 0.01 rotate x*90 clipped_by { plane { y, 0.0 } rotate -z*167}
clipped_by { plane {y, 0.0 inverse}rotate -z*182 }
texture { STITCHTX}//pigment {White}
scale <1,1.4,1>
translate y*-4.7 translate z*Zback translate z *-.015
translate y*-.5 }// end union BOTstich
object{ BOTstich } // translate z*-.015
// object {TSTITCHb translate y*-4.7 translate z*-.005 }
//object {TSTITCHb translate y*-4.7 translate z*-.005 rotate z*-35}
}//end union watch
//object {WATCH rotate y*0 pigment {White} translate x*0 }
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![](/i/fill.gif) |