Dear all
now I want to draw a scheme for my experimental, I used electron microscopy to
observe liquid film on nanotube lattice. I have finished the lattice. but do
not know how to darw a thin film of liquid on the lattice, and I also want to
draw a eletron beam, which come from the top, and shining onto the liquid film,
in order to show the working-mode of electron microscopy.
would you please help me do this. due to I am a new user of pov-ray, I tried
many days, but failed.
Your helps are extremely grateful appreciated
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How about taking the co-ordinates of the lattice and using that in a blob
statement, and scaling the blob-spheres quite big. Then using a texture
something like this:
pigment{rgbt 1}
finish{specular .5 reflection {0,1}}
For the electron beam, I would suggest a cylinder with a texture that has
an ambient value larger than 1.
On Fri, 22 Jan 2010 10:50:46 +0200, che### [at] 163 com
<che### [at] 163 com> wrote:
> Dear all
> now I want to draw a scheme for my experimental, I used electron
> microscopy to
> observe liquid film on nanotube lattice. I have finished the lattice.
> but do
> not know how to darw a thin film of liquid on the lattice, and I also
> want to
> draw a eletron beam, which come from the top, and shining onto the
> liquid film,
> in order to show the working-mode of electron microscopy.
> would you please help me do this. due to I am a new user of pov-ray, I
> tried
> many days, but failed.
> Your helps are extremely grateful appreciated
-Nekar Xenos-
"The spoon is not real"
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