Hi guys, I wrote a very simple recursive tree macro that works with povray
3.5 but not 3.6. I'm completely stumped about what the problem is. With
some parameters it works fine on 3.6, but with other parameters it has a
syntax error! Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in povray? Below
is the error message I get and the macro. I can provide a complete scene
that triggers the problem if that would help.
=== Error Message ===
File: rtree.inc Line: 49
File Context (5 lines):
> * (1-BiasFactor)) - (BiasVector *
object { RTree(CB+1, BranchDepth, NextWidth,
Rot, BranchSpline)
Parse Error: Identifier expected, incomplete function call or spline call
=== Macro ===
#include "colors.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "math.inc"
#declare RTreeRand = seed(1);
#macro HalfRand ()
#macro RTreeSeg (SplineStart, TrunkTop, SplineEnd, SizeStart, SizeEnd)
sphere_sweep {
cubic_spline 4,
SplineStart, SizeStart
<0, 0, 0>, SizeStart
TrunkTop, SizeEnd
SplineEnd, SizeEnd
tolerance 0.1
#macro RTree (CB, BranchDepth, Width, BiasVector, BranchSpline)
#local Length = BranchSpline(CB).x;
#local BranchFactor = BranchSpline(CB).y;
#local NextWidth = Width*BranchFactor;
#local BiasFactor = BranchSpline(CB).z;
#local TrunkTop = <0, Length*(rand(RTreeRand)*0.4+0.8), 0>;
#local SplineEnd = TrunkTop +
<HalfRand(), rand(RTreeRand)+1, HalfRand()>;
#local SplineStart = <HalfRand(), rand(RTreeRand)-1, HalfRand()>;
#if(CB < BranchDepth)
union {
RTreeSeg(SplineStart, TrunkTop, SplineEnd, Width,
#local BC = 2;
#while (BC > 0)
#local Rot=(<
> * (1-BiasFactor)) - (BiasVector *
object { RTree(CB+1, BranchDepth, NextWidth,
Rot, BranchSpline)
rotate Rot
translate TrunkTop - y*(Width/2)
#local BC=BC-1;
RTreeSeg(SplineStart, TrunkTop, SplineEnd, Width, NextWidth)
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