I wanted to sweep a sphere along a path defined as a Bezier spline. The
sphere_sweep object doesn't support Bezier splines, so I figured out how to
convert the path to B-splines. It works, but I have a question.
The formulas turned out to be fairly simple. If you have a Bezier segment
with control points b1, b2, b3, b4, then the corresponding B-spline has the
following control points s1, s2, s3, s4:
s1 = 6 * b1 - 7 * b2 + 2 * b3
s2 = 2 * b2 - b3
s3 = -b2 + 2 * b3
s4 = 2 * b2 - 7 * b3 + 6 * b4
So if my Bezier path is:
<0, 0>,
<0, 1>,
<1, 1>,
<1, 0>,
<1, 0>,
<1, -1>,
<2, 1>,
<2, 0>,
<2, 0>,
<2, -1>,
<4, 0>,
<3, 0>
The corresponding sphere sweep would be:
sphere_sweep {
<2, -5, 0>, 0.1,
<-1, 1, 0>, 0.1,
<2, 1, 0>, 0.1,
<-1, -5, 0>, 0.1
sphere_sweep {
<3, 9, 0>, 0.1,
<0, -3, 0>, 0.1,
<3, 3, 0>, 0.1,
<0, -9, 0>, 0.1
sphere_sweep {
<6, 7, 0>, 0.1,
<0, -2, 0>, 0.1,
<6, 1, 0>, 0.1,
<-6, -2, 0>, 0.1
The conversion works, but each Bezier segment is converted to a separate
B-spline. The Bezier path is smooth and continuous, so it should be
possible to obtain one B-spline instead of three. It's not obvious to me
how to do this.
Can someone explain how to get one B-spline instead of separate B-splines
for each Bezier segment?
Lloyd Lee-Lim
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