I've been trying to get a partially transparent polygon which photons will
pass through, but have thus far had no luck.
When I replace the polygon object with a box (keeping the same texture,
finish and photon flags), the box is transparent and the photons pass right
through. The photons are stopped at the polygon, regardless of the filter
or transmit values or the direction of the light.
Does anyone know how to make a polygon transparent?
Current code looks like:
object {
texture {
pigment { Col_Glass_General
} //texture
//finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0 reflection { 0.1 }}
photons {
refraction on
reflection on
It's placed in a box filled with a scattering media and a cylindrical light
on it I can see the scattered light both before the polygon and after the
box when I use that instead.
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