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Please respond once if you hope to attend the Convention in Orlando Florida,
...but post all comments to another thread.
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Sure, I'd enjoy a trip to Orlando.
Bill DeWitt wrote:
> Please respond once if you hope to attend the Convention in Orlando Florida,
> USA.
> ...but post all comments to another thread.
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"Bill DeWitt" <bde### [at] cfl rr com> wrote...
> Please respond once if you hope to attend the Convention in Orlando
> USA.
Orlando? What a great idea! That's where I live. :-) Count me in!
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As much as I would love to participate, I doubt we will have the funds to
pay for my trip there by then. Also, university might interfere. I hope you
guys have fun! Put up a webpage when you're done!
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On Thu, 7 Jun 2001 23:36:44 -0600, Tony[B] wrote:
>As much as I would love to participate, I doubt we will have the funds to
>pay for my trip there by then. Also, university might interfere. I hope you
>guys have fun! Put up a webpage when you're done!
Hitching all the way through Central America and back down to Orland,
now that would be an adventure.
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"Tony[B]" <ben### [at] catholic org> wrote in message
> As much as I would love to participate, I doubt we will have the funds to
> pay for my trip there by then.
Well, the discussion on the other thread is about -when- and if you have
a better idea and think you can make it on another date, please let us know.
Hopefully this thread is only to get a count of people who think they
might like to come.
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It's only a short hop from here, and you should know you can count me in! :)
(It was my idea after all :D)
"Bill DeWitt" <bde### [at] cfl rr com> wrote in message
> Please respond once if you hope to attend the Convention in Orlando
> USA.
> ...but post all comments to another thread.
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