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I received an e-mail from a group, with the above title, on May 24,
asking for permission to use my tutorials in a group web page/book
project. At first I thought it was a good idea, but I'm a little worried
that I can't find any mention of it on these newsgroups.
Their web page is http://povworld.de/book/
Anyone know if this is legit?
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On Wed, 06 Jun 2001 20:42:06 -0700, Jerry Stratton <new### [at] hoboes com>
>I received an e-mail from a group, with the above title, on May 24,
>asking for permission to use my tutorials in a group web page/book
>project. At first I thought it was a good idea, but I'm a little worried
>that I can't find any mention of it on these newsgroups.
>Their web page is http://povworld.de/book/
>Anyone know if this is legit?
Unless they are distributing an incomplete version of POV with it or
otherwise break POVLEGAL, there's no reason why it should not be
legit. A book in its own right is probably even good, promoting POV
and making it accessible to the public. As of your work, it's up to
you to decide whether you want some financial benefit or you'll live
with the credit.
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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Jerry Stratton wrote:
> I received an e-mail from a group, with the above title, on May 24,
> asking for permission to use my tutorials in a group web page/book
> project. At first I thought it was a good idea, but I'm a little worried
> that I can't find any mention of it on these newsgroups.
> Their web page is http://povworld.de/book/
> Anyone know if this is legit?
The site itself is run by Micha Riser so I would imagine it is as legit
as it can be. Micha has been running the POV-Ray Objects Collection for
a few years now and has be reasonably successful at it.
Ken Tyler
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Jerry Stratton wrote:
> project. At first I thought it was a good idea, but I'm a little worried
> that I can't find any mention of it on these newsgroups.
I am one of the admins of the POV-Ray Book Project. I hope the other
answers here could allay your doubts about the project. If you have further
questions about it post them here or to the email adress given on our
project webpage.
The POV-Ray Book Project *has* been announced here at povray.general by
Josh on 29.03.01. (Message-ID <3AC260FC.6468E2CC@spiritone.com)
- Micha
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On Wed, 06 Jun 2001 20:42:06 -0700, Jerry Stratton wrote:
>I received an e-mail from a group, with the above title, on May 24,
>asking for permission to use my tutorials in a group web page/book
>project. At first I thought it was a good idea, but I'm a little worried
>that I can't find any mention of it on these newsgroups.
I remember reading something about this, have a look in the irtc groups,
I don't think that the title of the post was obvious, and you might have
to go back as far as a year or so.
Steve email mailto:ste### [at] zeropps uklinux net
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Our friend Steve here is also helping me and Chris C. set up a web page for
of hopefully dozens (hundreds?) of povvers' html tutorials and favorite
It will be ready "soon."
Steve wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Jun 2001 20:42:06 -0700, Jerry Stratton wrote:
> >I received an e-mail from a group, with the above title, on May 24,
> >asking for permission to use my tutorials in a group web page/book
> >project. At first I thought it was a good idea, but I'm a little worried
> >that I can't find any mention of it on these newsgroups.
> I remember reading something about this, have a look in the irtc groups,
> I don't think that the title of the post was obvious, and you might have
> to go back as far as a year or so.
> --
> Cheers
> web http://www.zeropps.uklinux.net/
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