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How should I rewrite the following to avoid UU & VV to become bigger
than Umax and Vmax?
#declare Uiter=100;
#declare Viter=100;
#declare Umin=0.0000001;
#declare Umax=0.9999999;
#declare Vmin=0.0000001;
#declare Vmax=1.9999999;
#declare iU=(Umax-Umin)/Uiter;
#declare iV=(Vmax-Vmin)/Viter;
#declare VV=Vmin;
#while (VV<Vmax)
#declare UU=Umin;
#while (UU<Umax)
#declare UU=UU+iU;
#declare VV=VV+iV;
#if (UU>=1 | VV>=2)
#debug concat("UU+ =",str(UU,0,-1),"\n")
#debug concat("VV+ =",str(VV,0,-1),"\n")
#declare UU=UU-iU;
#declare VV=VV-iV;
#declare UU=UU+iU;
#declare VV=VV+iV;
Photography: http://members.home.nl/ingoogni/
Pov-Ray : http://members.home.nl/seed7/
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Like this ?
// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
#declare Uiter = 100;
#declare Viter = 100;
#declare Umin = 0.0000001;
#declare Umax = 0.9999999;
#declare Vmin = 0.0000001;
#declare Vmax = 1.9999999;
#declare iU = (Umax - Umin)/Uiter;
#declare iV = (Vmax - Vmin)/Viter;
#declare VV = Vmin;
#while (VV < Vmax)
#declare UU = Umin;
#while (UU < Umax)
// #declare UU = UU + iU;
// #declare VV = VV + iV;
#if (UU >= 1 | VV >= 2)
#debug concat("UU+ =", str(UU, 0, -1), "\n")
#debug concat("VV+ =", str(VV, 0, -1), "\n")
// #declare UU = UU - iU;
// #declare VV = VV - iV;
#declare UU = UU + iU;
#declare VV = VV + iV;
// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
But I'm not sure if I understand the problem corretly.
Best regards,
Tor Olav
mailto:tor### [at] hotmail com
ingo wrote:
> How should I rewrite the following to avoid UU & VV to become bigger
> than Umax and Vmax?
> #declare Uiter=100;
> #declare Viter=100;
> #declare Umin=0.0000001;
> #declare Umax=0.9999999;
> #declare Vmin=0.0000001;
> #declare Vmax=1.9999999;
> #declare iU=(Umax-Umin)/Uiter;
> #declare iV=(Vmax-Vmin)/Viter;
> #declare VV=Vmin;
> #while (VV<Vmax)
> #declare UU=Umin;
> #while (UU<Umax)
> #declare UU=UU+iU;
> #declare VV=VV+iV;
> #if (UU>=1 | VV>=2)
> #debug concat("UU+ =",str(UU,0,-1),"\n")
> #debug concat("VV+ =",str(VV,0,-1),"\n")
> #end
> #declare UU=UU-iU;
> #declare VV=VV-iV;
> #declare UU=UU+iU;
> #end
> #declare VV=VV+iV;
> #end
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It seems that UU and VV is increased 2 "steps"
above their max limits.
One of the "steps" is due to how these loops works.
I'm not sure of the reason for other one.
Maybe it's some "epsilon problem" mentioned
earlier somewhere in these groups ?
Best regards,
Tor Olav
mailto:tor### [at] hotmail com
Tor Olav Kristensen wrote:
> Like this ?
> // ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
> #declare Uiter = 100;
> #declare Viter = 100;
> #declare Umin = 0.0000001;
> #declare Umax = 0.9999999;
> #declare Vmin = 0.0000001;
> #declare Vmax = 1.9999999;
> #declare iU = (Umax - Umin)/Uiter;
> #declare iV = (Vmax - Vmin)/Viter;
> #declare VV = Vmin;
> #while (VV < Vmax)
> #declare UU = Umin;
> #while (UU < Umax)
> // #declare UU = UU + iU;
> // #declare VV = VV + iV;
> #if (UU >= 1 | VV >= 2)
> #debug concat("UU+ =", str(UU, 0, -1), "\n")
> #debug concat("VV+ =", str(VV, 0, -1), "\n")
> #end
> // #declare UU = UU - iU;
> // #declare VV = VV - iV;
> #declare UU = UU + iU;
> #end
> #declare VV = VV + iV;
> #end
> // ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
> But I'm not sure if I understand the problem corretly.
> --
> Best regards,
> Tor Olav
> mailto:tor### [at] hotmail com
> http://hjem.sol.no/t-o-k/tokpicts.html
> http://www.crosswinds.net/~tok
> ingo wrote:
> >
> > How should I rewrite the following to avoid UU & VV to become bigger
> > than Umax and Vmax?
> >
> > #declare Uiter=100;
> > #declare Viter=100;
> > #declare Umin=0.0000001;
> > #declare Umax=0.9999999;
> > #declare Vmin=0.0000001;
> > #declare Vmax=1.9999999;
> > #declare iU=(Umax-Umin)/Uiter;
> > #declare iV=(Vmax-Vmin)/Viter;
> >
> > #declare VV=Vmin;
> > #while (VV<Vmax)
> > #declare UU=Umin;
> > #while (UU<Umax)
> >
> > #declare UU=UU+iU;
> > #declare VV=VV+iV;
> > #if (UU>=1 | VV>=2)
> > #debug concat("UU+ =",str(UU,0,-1),"\n")
> > #debug concat("VV+ =",str(VV,0,-1),"\n")
> > #end
> >
> > #declare UU=UU-iU;
> > #declare VV=VV-iV;
> >
> > #declare UU=UU+iU;
> > #end
> > #declare VV=VV+iV;
> > #end
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in news:3B0ACF9A.57CA26D7@hotmail.com Tor Olav Kristensen wrote:
> I'm not sure of the reason for other one.
> Maybe it's some "epsilon problem" mentioned
> earlier somewhere in these groups ?
It's an accuracy problem indeed and in the meanwhile I solved it. The
subsequent additions and substractions with small numbers seem to be
less accurate than the multiplications I use now:
#declare Uiter=100;
#declare Viter=100;
#declare Umin=0.0000001;
#declare Umax=0.9999999;
#declare Vmin=0.0000001;
#declare Vmax=1.9999999;
#declare iU=(Umax-Umin)/Uiter;
#declare iV=(Vmax-Vmin)/Viter;
#declare I=Vmin;
#while (I<Viter)
#declare J=Umin;
#while (J<Uiter)
#declare VV=I*iV;
#declare UU=J*iU;
//some code ...
#declare UU=UU+iU;
#declare VV=VV+iV;
#if (UU>Umax | VV>Vmax)
#debug concat("UU+ =",str(UU,0,-1),"\n")
#debug concat("VV+ =",str(VV,0,-1),"\n")
//some more code here ...
//#declare UU=UU-iU;
//#declare VV=VV-iV;
// instead of substraction use multiplication,
// and 're-declare.
#declare VV=I*iV;
#declare UU=J*iU;
//even more code ...
#declare I=I+1;
#declare J=J+1;
Photography: http://members.home.nl/ingoogni/
Pov-Ray : http://members.home.nl/seed7/
Photography: http://members.home.nl/ingoogni/
Pov-Ray : http://members.home.nl/seed7/
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