I've been working on an experimental port of Povray 3.6.1 to a new platform:
one on which a long is 64-bits, and a pointer 32. I've been tracking down an
error due to the end of a block of memory being over-written and have narrowed
it down to the file source/lighting.cpp. This contains the following code in
ShadowMediaListPoolSize = (long *)POV_MALLOC(MaxMediaPoolDepth*sizeof(long
*), "temp media list");
LightingMediaListPoolSize = (long *)POV_MALLOC(MaxMediaPoolDepth*sizeof(long
*), "temp media list");
MediaIntervalPoolSize = (long *)POV_MALLOC(MaxMediaPoolDepth*sizeof(long *),
"temp media list");
The fix would obviously be to replace the "*sizeof (long *)" with
ShadowMediaListPoolSize = (long *)POV_MALLOC(MaxMediaPoolDepth*sizeof(long),
"temp media list");
LightingMediaListPoolSize = (long
*)POV_MALLOC(MaxMediaPoolDepth*sizeof(long), "temp media list");
MediaIntervalPoolSize = (long *)POV_MALLOC(MaxMediaPoolDepth*sizeof(long),
"temp media list");
Apologies if I'm not reporting this to the right place, or it was fixed long
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Paul Bowen-Huggett wrote:
> [...]
> Apologies if I'm not reporting this to the right place, or it was fixed long
> ago...!
It's the correct place and this seems indeed a bug - seems like systems
with sizeof(long) > sizeof(pointer) are extremely rare.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.imagico.de/ (Last updated 31 Oct. 2005)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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