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Erm, I just upgraded my system a little bit...
Before, it took 8 minutes 19 seconds to render Skyvase.pov at 1280x1024
AA0.3 from the standard Quickres.ini file.
It just took my new system 1 minute 9 seconds at the same res and
I knew my new box was going to be quicker, but I wasn't quite expecting
it to be *that* much quicker.
Oh, and for those who are interested, it went from a PII-300 with 96Mb of
SDRAM to an Athlon 1.333Ghz with 256Mb of DDR RAM. Oh and it's got a new
UDMA/100 HDD too.
Of course the major downside to upgrading the box is that it has taken me
the best part of 8 hours to rebuild the system to this point, and it's
probably only about 2/3 of the way to having all my software back on.
<sigh> ah well, back to installing stuff.
Bye for now,
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> <sigh> ah well, back to installing stuff.
And I forgot to ask the question i was going to when I started typing.
I feel like running the system at full load for an hour or so to check
that everything is working as it should...
Anyone got a few scenes they want rendering?
Bye for now,
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Jamie Davison wrote:
> [snip]
> > <sigh> ah well, back to installing stuff.
> And I forgot to ask the question i was going to when I started typing.
> I feel like running the system at full load for an hour or so to check
> that everything is working as it should...
> Anyone got a few scenes they want rendering?
Sure, I'd like a 24"*36" 600dpi render of Johnathan Hunt's tulips,
Francois Labreque | It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, it
flabreque | is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
@ | the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a
videotron.ca | warning, it is by caffeine alone I set my mind in
| motion.
- Stolen from Badger's .sig file
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> > And I forgot to ask the question i was going to when I started typing.
> >
> > I feel like running the system at full load for an hour or so to check
> > that everything is working as it should...
> >
> > Anyone got a few scenes they want rendering?
> Sure, I'd like a 24"*36" 600dpi render of Johnathan Hunt's tulips,
> please.
> ;)
The phrase 'Oink, Flap, Oink, Flap' Springs to mind <grin> Especially
since I've only got one machine....
Bye for now,
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In article <MPG.154122f7ff2644449898bc@news.povray.org>, Jamie Davison
> Erm, I just upgraded my system a little bit...
> Before, it took 8 minutes 19 seconds to render Skyvase.pov at 1280x1024
> AA0.3 from the standard Quickres.ini file.
> It just took my new system 1 minute 9 seconds at the same res and
> settings...
> I knew my new box was going to be quicker, but I wasn't quite expecting
> it to be *that* much quicker.
> Oh, and for those who are interested, it went from a PII-300 with 96Mb of
> SDRAM to an Athlon 1.333Ghz with 256Mb of DDR RAM. Oh and it's got a new
> UDMA/100 HDD too.
Please: tell me which mb you have, what hdd make, and what video
adapter, so I can get some ideas for the near future...
Regards, Sander
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> > Anyone got a few scenes they want rendering?
> Sure, I'd like a 24"*36" 600dpi render of Johnathan Hunt's tulips,
> please. ;)
Me too! ;-)
Jonathan Hunt
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Yes, please tell us more...
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Jamie Davison <jam### [at] ntlworld com> wrote:
: Before, it took 8 minutes 19 seconds to render Skyvase.pov at 1280x1024
: AA0.3 from the standard Quickres.ini file.
: It just took my new system 1 minute 9 seconds at the same res and
: settings...
: I knew my new box was going to be quicker, but I wasn't quite expecting
: it to be *that* much quicker.
I made recently a similar upgrade (P-II 350MHz -> AMD 1.2GHz) and yes,
the rendering speedup is much larger than the MHz increment.
Of course this can be explained with the better CPU (less clocks per
instruction), faster memory, faster bus and faster everything.
(This is why the MHz amount is a poor speed meter.)
: Of course the major downside to upgrading the box is that it has taken me
: the best part of 8 hours to rebuild the system to this point, and it's
: probably only about 2/3 of the way to having all my software back on.
: <sigh> ah well, back to installing stuff.
I had luck. I am quite surprised how well my Win98 survived such a big
hardware change. I didn't have to reinstall anything (I just had to install
drivers for the new hardware).
c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
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Jamie Davison wrote:
> Oh, and for those who are interested, it went from a PII-300 with 96Mb of
> SDRAM to an Athlon 1.333Ghz with 256Mb of DDR RAM. Oh and it's got a new
> UDMA/100 HDD too.
Sweet, sounds like the systems we've been looking at. My dad just blew a few
thousand on stereo equipment though, so...
Maybe that's a good thing; in a few months, who knows, there might be 1.6 gig
Athlons *drool*
David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricy net> ICQ 55354965
My raytracing gallery: http://davidf.faricy.net/
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> Sweet, sounds like the systems we've been looking at. My dad just blew a few
> thousand on stereo equipment though, so...
> Maybe that's a good thing; in a few months, who knows, there might be 1.6 gig
> Athlons *drool*
And by the time the 1.6Gig Athlons are out, you'll be drooling over the
possibility of 1.8Gig prcoessors. And meantime your home town will be
swimming in drool :)
(Followups to p.o-t)
Bye for now,
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