Boundaries of a mesh2 object (Message 1 to 3 of 3)
From: Josh English
Subject: Boundaries of a mesh2 object
Date: 20 Dec 2022 01:10:07
Message: <63a151bf$>
I have been playing with arbaro and it can provide the height of the
created object, but not the full bounds. I've tried using max_extent and
min_extent but that doesn't seem to work for mesh2 objects.
Is there a utility that can extract the actual extent of the mesh2 objects?
Josh English <Jos### [at] joshuarenglishcom> wrote:
> I have been playing with arbaro and it can provide the height of the> created object, but not the full bounds. I've tried using max_extent and> min_extent but that doesn't seem to work for mesh2 objects.>> Is there a utility that can extract the actual extent of the mesh2 objects?
my 'Bounder()' macro should work. (you may need to up the (per axis) "scan"
resolution argument if the mesh has many "fine details")
regards, jr.
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Boundaries of a mesh2 object
Date: 20 Dec 2022 02:10:37
Message: <63a15fed$>
Op 20/12/2022 om 07:10 schreef Josh English:
> I have been playing with arbaro and it can provide the height of the > created object, but not the full bounds. I've tried using max_extent and > min_extent but that doesn't seem to work for mesh2 objects.>
To my knowledge, this is not correct. min_extent and max_extent work
perfectly well with mesh2 objects. I use them all the time. Maybe
something is wrong with your Arbaro mesh2 file? Something you could do
maybe is loading your mesh2 file in Poseray and save it again from
there. See if it corrects things.