I searched the docs but couldn't find anything about the use of color
maps in light sources. Can anyone explain to me how it works or point me
where I can read about it?
BTW, POV-Ray lets you add textures, pigments, normals, interiors, and
materials to a light source:
#declare MyLight =
light_source {
0 color rgb <1,1,1>
object{ MyLight texture{} }
But that is just something it shouldn't let you do, right?
Thanks in advance,
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Hugo <hug### [at] yahoocombr> wrote:
> I searched the docs but couldn't find anything about the use of color
> maps in light sources. Can anyone explain to me how it works or point me
> where I can read about it?
Can't find any references at the moment, but I believe that the use of
colour_mapin light sources is primarily used for photons with dispersion.
You can use it to map the spectrum of the light that will be visible when
using prisms, etc.
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