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I get this error when running the vegetate.inc in my scene...
C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for windows\Include\Vegetate.inc:387 warning: csg
union unnecessarily bounded.
These are the settings, as they appear in my scene file...
#declare VegeNumber = 500;
#declare VegeAlign = on;
#declare VegeWaterLevel = 10.0026;
#declare VegeMaxSlope = 80;
#declare VegeMaxScale = 1.5;
#declare VegeMinScale = .9;
#declare VegeList = array[5]
#declare VegeList[0] = object{rock scale 2 }
#declare VegeList[1] = object{TREE scale 7 }
#declare VegeList[2] = object{flower scale 2}
#declare VegeList[3] = object{rock scale 2.5}
#declare VegeList[4] = object{flower scale 2.5}
object{ VegeObject }
#include "vegetate.inc"
I also have the standard includes at the top of the scene...Ideas?
C.J. - POV User
POV Ray Study Gallery
hou### [at] yahoo com
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In article <3b323de9@news.povray.org> , "C.J. - POV User"
<hou### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> I get this error when running the vegetate.inc in my scene...
> =======================================
> C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for windows\Include\Vegetate.inc:387 warning: csg
> union unnecessarily bounded.
This is a warning, not an error! Read about manual bounding of objects in
the documentation.
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C.J. - POV User <hou### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
: I get this error when running the vegetate.inc in my scene...
: C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for windows\Include\Vegetate.inc:387 warning: csg
As Thorsten noted, you speak about an error while povray speaks about a
AFAIK POV-Ray issues this warning when the user-specified bounding box is
bigger than the one calculated by POV-Ray itself. You can either define the
bounding box better, remove it (and see how it affects speed), or just ignore
the warning.
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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"Warp" wrote > As Thorsten noted, you speak about an error while
povray speaks about a
> warning.
> AFAIK POV-Ray issues this warning when the user-specified bounding
box is
> bigger than the one calculated by POV-Ray itself. You can either
define the
> bounding box better, remove it (and see how it affects speed), or just
> the warning.
- Warp -
I've had the same thing happen in tomtree ...
however, when I removed it, the render times skyrocketed so I put it
I haven't yet fingered out how to better define it.
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yooper <Out### [at] huntel net> wrote:
: I've had the same thing happen in tomtree ...
: however, when I removed it, the render times skyrocketed so I put it
: back.
Sometimes POV-Ray thinks that she knows better than the users, but as
all humans, also she can make errors.
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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Sorry everyone I miss spoke. I meant Warning. As the warning states it is
occuring in the Vegetate.Inc. I thought this was more serious because it
seem to hang my machine. I was really being impatient. I have it running now
(on its second hour) and it is past all the warnings. It is spending a lot
of time on creating bounding slabs. This is just a bit more demanding scene
than what I usually make...so my PC is chomping away at it.
BTW - Is there any more information on manual bounds? I found just a little
info. in POV about it.
C.J. - POV User
POV Ray Study Gallery
hou### [at] yahoo com
Warp <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message news:3b331933@news.povray.org...
> C.J. - POV User <hou### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> : I get this error when running the vegetate.inc in my scene...
> =====
> : C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for windows\Include\Vegetate.inc:387 warning:
> =======
> As Thorsten noted, you speak about an error while povray speaks about a
> warning.
> AFAIK POV-Ray issues this warning when the user-specified bounding box
> bigger than the one calculated by POV-Ray itself. You can either define
> bounding box better, remove it (and see how it affects speed), or just
> the warning.
> --
> #macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
> rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
> ],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
> 7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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"C.J. - POV User" wrote:
> Sorry everyone I miss spoke. I meant Warning. As the warning states it is
> occuring in the Vegetate.Inc. I thought this was more serious because it
> seem to hang my machine.
Note that scene files that generates lots of warnings can have very long parsing
time due to the display of said warnings. One workaround is to turn the warnings
off (-GW on the command line).
Graphic experiments
Pov-ray gallery
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C.J. - POV User wrote in message <3b323de9@news.povray.org>...
>I get this error when running the vegetate.inc in my scene...
>C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for windows\Include\Vegetate.inc:387 warning: csg
>union unnecessarily bounded.
>#declare VegeList = array[5]
>#declare VegeList[0] = object{rock scale 2 }
>#declare VegeList[1] = object{TREE scale 7 }
>#declare VegeList[2] = object{flower scale 2}
>#declare VegeList[3] = object{rock scale 2.5}
>#declare VegeList[4] = object{flower scale 2.5}
I don't see where that warning could be coming from. Line 387 of
Vegetate.inc reads:
object{VegeList[VEGENUM[VEGEcounter]] transform VEGETrans[VEGEcounter] }
As you can see, I don't add a bounding box to the object. The only thing I
can think of is that one of the objects in your list has an unneeded
bounding box, but in that case, the error message should be pointing to
where the object is declared.
The long time spent building bounding slabs is much easier to explain. You
specified that Vegetate place 500 objects randomly selected from your list,
and presumably one or more of "rock", "flower", and "TREE" is a union of a
large number of primitives. A hundred or more of that union will result in
a very large number of objects for POV-Ray to generate a bounding tree for.
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You win the prize Mark! I found the source of the warning. "TREE" is the
Birch settings from tom tree. Tom Tree and Vegetate both use bounding. To
get around this went into Hammapatch and made a basic palm instead. This
worked OK, but would generate a page falt in windows, if I had more than 200
objects in code (VEGEnumber = 200). 200 was not a high enough number of
objects for my island, so I went and pruned my palm back in Hamma and was
able to generate more than 200. But it was very slow...So I remove the
flower and the palms. Now I'm working with the rocks and a simple grass
model. this allows me to add 10000 objects with out it dying on me. =^)
C.J. - POV User
POV Ray Study Gallery
hou### [at] yahoo com
Mark Wagner <mar### [at] gte net> wrote in message
> C.J. - POV User wrote in message <3b323de9@news.povray.org>...
> >I get this error when running the vegetate.inc in my scene...
> >=======================================
> >C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for windows\Include\Vegetate.inc:387 warning:
> >union unnecessarily bounded.
> >#declare VegeList = array[5]
> >#declare VegeList[0] = object{rock scale 2 }
> >#declare VegeList[1] = object{TREE scale 7 }
> >#declare VegeList[2] = object{flower scale 2}
> >#declare VegeList[3] = object{rock scale 2.5}
> >#declare VegeList[4] = object{flower scale 2.5}
> I don't see where that warning could be coming from. Line 387 of
> Vegetate.inc reads:
> object{VegeList[VEGENUM[VEGEcounter]] transform VEGETrans[VEGEcounter] }
> As you can see, I don't add a bounding box to the object. The only thing
> can think of is that one of the objects in your list has an unneeded
> bounding box, but in that case, the error message should be pointing to
> where the object is declared.
> The long time spent building bounding slabs is much easier to explain.
> specified that Vegetate place 500 objects randomly selected from your
> and presumably one or more of "rock", "flower", and "TREE" is a union of a
> large number of primitives. A hundred or more of that union will result
> a very large number of objects for POV-Ray to generate a bounding tree
> --
> Mark
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Thanks Gilles! That'll help.
C.J. - POV User
POV Ray Study Gallery
hou### [at] yahoo com
Gilles Tran <tra### [at] inapg inra fr> wrote in message
> "C.J. - POV User" wrote:
> > Sorry everyone I miss spoke. I meant Warning. As the warning states it
> > occuring in the Vegetate.Inc. I thought this was more serious because it
> > seem to hang my machine.
> Note that scene files that generates lots of warnings can have very long
> time due to the display of said warnings. One workaround is to turn the
> off (-GW on the command line).
> G.
> --
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> Graphic experiments
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