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So... I am guessing that this is too big a number for POV to handle? I
know there is a limit but I forget what it is.
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Bill DeWitt wrote:
> So... I am guessing that this is too big a number for POV to handle? I
> know there is a limit but I forget what it is.
No, that's not the concept of floating point numbers, the absolute maximum
is 1.7 x 10^308 (for double), probably much more than you will ever need,
some cases, numbers like 6000000000 can already lead to precision
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote in message
> Bill DeWitt wrote:
> >
> > So... I am guessing that this is too big a number for POV to handle?
> > know there is a limit but I forget what it is.
> No, that's not the concept of floating point numbers, the absolute maximum
> is 1.7 x 10^308 (for double), probably much more than you will ever need,
> but in any case there are only 15-16 significant decimals. Therefore in
> some cases, numbers like 6000000000 can already lead to precision
> problems.
My problem is that when I contain an iso in a large box, it disappears.
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Wasn't it Bill DeWitt who wrote:
> My problem is that when I contain an iso in a large box, it disappears.
That might possibly be due to insufficient max_gradient.
What can happen is that the renderer starts at the edge of the box, and
evaluates the function there. If the value of the function is greater
than max_gradient * size-of-box, then it knows that the function can't
become zero anywhere in the box and gives up immediately.
E.g. if we examine the function {x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1}
This works fine with "method 2 eval" if it is contained by a box that's
smaller than box{-6.52,6.52}, but when it's contained by a larger box
there's bits missing, and if the box is larger than 6.62 it disappears
The gradient of the function at the corner of the box is actually about
2.83 * size-of-box, but for a 6.58 box "eval" guesses only 15.313
instead of 18.61. For larger boxes "eval" guesses lower and lower
numbers. Whenever the renderer is working with an incorrect max_gradient
(whether it's because you specified a wrong value, eval guessed wrongly,
or you didn't specify anything and it assumed the default) bits of the
surface are likely to go missing.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote:
: No, that's not the concept of floating point numbers, the absolute maximum
: is 1.7 x 10^308 (for double)
I think there are more inner limitations in POV-Ray besides that.
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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