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I'd like to find out how the MegPov logo was made. Was it made with MegaPov and
if so, are those features still available in MegPov 0.7? Media, glows,etc ?
I hope this is the right newsgroup I'm posting to.
/* Nekar Xenos */#local N=<-20,40,100>;#local K=<20,-40,100>;#local R=seed(0);
blob{#while((K-N).x>0)#local X=N;#local N=N+<rand(R),rand(R),1>/3;#local N=(
vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K)?N:2*X-N);sphere{<N.y,-N.x,N.z>,1,1 scale .02}sphere{N
,1,1 scale.02}sphere{<-N.x-40,N.y,N.z>1,1 scale.01}sphere{<N.x+40,-N.y,N.z>1,1
scale.01 }#end pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission <2,4,5>*5}}hollow}
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I made the firey-M with Photoshop. I had an alternate version that could be
rendered in Megapov (no fire, but a shiny, golden-M).
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"Tony[B]" <ben### [at] catholic org> wrote in message
> I made the firey-M with Photoshop. I had an alternate version that could be
> rendered in Megapov (no fire, but a shiny, golden-M).
Darn! I was hoping it was done in MegaPov :)
BTW Corel Photopaint has these image-sprayers which includes some nice flames.
bet you could have done it in 2 seconds with that ;)
/* Nekar Xenos */#local N=<-20,40,100>;#local K=<20,-40,100>;#local R=seed(0);
blob{#while((K-N).x>0)#local X=N;#local N=N+<rand(R),rand(R),1>/3;#local N=(
vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K)?N:2*X-N);sphere{<N.y,-N.x,N.z>,1,1 scale .02}sphere{N
,1,1 scale.02}sphere{<-N.x-40,N.y,N.z>1,1 scale.01}sphere{<N.x+40,-N.y,N.z>1,1
scale.01 }#end pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission <2,4,5>*5}}hollow}
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