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Message-ID: <3B01EBAB.2B153AD3@faricy.net>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 21:53:31 -0500
From: David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricy net>
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You know what to do.
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Supposing I didn't? Anyway, thanks, that solved the problem.
David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricy net> ICQ 55354965
My raytracing gallery: http://davidf.faricy.net/
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I'm good at ESP but the supposed answer hasn't gotten through to me here
Auto-bouncing of a binary in non-binary groups sure would be a great thing,
wouldn't it? Not that I'm asking anything, just talking to myself...
here... to you.
Bob H.
"David Fontaine" <dav### [at] faricy net> wrote in message
> Supposing I didn't? Anyway, thanks, that solved the problem.
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"Bob H." wrote:
> I'm good at ESP but the supposed answer hasn't gotten through to me here
> :-)
Sleep no more. Macbeth does murder sleep.
> Auto-bouncing of a binary in non-binary groups sure would be a great thing,
> wouldn't it? Not that I'm asking anything, just talking to myself...
> here... to you.
It wasn't a binary. I suppose, though, all attachments go to binary
Anyway, I solved it, I made the transform the parent node. D'oh, now
why didn't I do that before? RTFTutorial... ;)
David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricy net> ICQ 55354965
My raytracing gallery: http://davidf.faricy.net/
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