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I've been looking around trying to find info on how to set up a small render
farm (3 or 4 win boxes) to use with POVray. I couldn't believe it but said
info is hard to find. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right
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Fat Mike wrote:
> I've been looking around trying to find info on how to set up a small
> render farm (3 or 4 win boxes) to use with POVray. I couldn't believe
> it but said info is hard to find. I was wondering if someone could
> point me in the right direction.
1. Procure boxes.
2. Connect boxes into a local network.
3. Install POV-Ray on each box.
4. Put them to work rendering.
5. Copy rendered frames to the box with the most free drive space.
ICQ: 46085459
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I think he was hoping for a automated send X number of images to the farm
and have 'it' worry about specifics - or perhaps rendering across multiple
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"John VanSickle" <van### [at] erols com> wrote in message
> Fat Mike wrote:
> >
> > I've been looking around trying to find info on how to set up a small
> > render farm (3 or 4 win boxes) to use with POVray. I couldn't believe
> > it but said info is hard to find. I was wondering if someone could
> > point me in the right direction.
> 1. Procure boxes.
> 2. Connect boxes into a local network.
> 3. Install POV-Ray on each box.
> 4. Put them to work rendering.
> 5. Copy rendered frames to the box with the most free drive space.
> Regards,
> John
> --
> ICQ: 46085459
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Fat Mike wrote:
> Hey,
> I've been looking around trying to find info on how to set up a small render
> farm (3 or 4 win boxes) to use with POVray. I couldn't believe it but said
> info is hard to find. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right
> direction.
Ken Tyler
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In article <3af990c6$1@news.povray.org>, no### [at] address net says...
> Hey,
> I've been looking around trying to find info on how to set up a small render
> farm (3 or 4 win boxes) to use with POVray. I couldn't believe it but said
> info is hard to find. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right
> direction.
The Internet Movie Project was going to do that with POV. I don't
know if they still are. Go to http://www.imp.org.
Free HLP files for: Access 97 object reference. Plus lots of
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If you need a Renderfarm, look at:
A new undocumented feature is, that it can separate and join
one big job autamatically.
If you are interested, send me an email.
Fat Mike <no### [at] address net> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
> Hey,
> I've been looking around trying to find info on how to set up a small
> farm (3 or 4 win boxes) to use with POVray. I couldn't believe it but said
> info is hard to find. I was wondering if someone could point me in the
> direction.
> thanks,
> Justin
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ups, i have lost something.
you can find the RenderFarm by adding RenderFarm to the link directly.
Maybe interesting for you:
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