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#version unofficial MegaPov.6;#init_3d_spline{"A",<2,0>,<2,5>,<0,2>,<4,3>,
<3,2>,<5,2>,<4,3>,<6,3>,<6,2>,<6,3>,<7,2>,<8,3>,<8,2>}#macro C(D)$B=0;
#while(B<1)sphere{eval_3d_spline("A",B),D translate z*25}$B=B+.002;
#end#end union{C(.1)pigment{blue.9}finish{ambient.9}}merge{C(.5)
pigment{rgbt.9}interior{media{emission blue.7}}hollow}//TM
"To stop children being afraid of the dark, try to fill their daylight hours
with as much terror as possible"
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Tom Melly wrote in message <3af96140$1@news.povray.org>...
> --
> "To stop children being afraid of the dark, try to fill their daylight hours
> with as much terror as possible"
> www.tomandlu.co.uk
what kind renderer should I use with such sig ? internet browser ? ;-)
ok. now notes:
1. why "A" ? just "" for name of spline
2. 2*x instead of <2,0>
3. 2*y instead of <0,2>
4. B)D instead of B),D
#macro Sig(A,B,X)_(A,B)_(B,X)_(X,A)#end#macro _(A,B)cylinder{<A.x,A.y,3>,<B.u,
B.v,3>.1,9}#end global_settings{max_trace_level 9}light_source{0 1}camera{up y
)pigment{rgb 1}}box{-3 3pigment{rgb 0}finish{reflection 1}hollow} // POV-Ray31
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"Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba" <abx### [at] abx art pl> wrote in message
> ok. now notes:
> 1. why "A" ? just "" for name of spline
> 2. 2*x instead of <2,0>
> 3. 2*y instead of <0,2>
> 4. B)D instead of B),D
Thanks - new version with your suggestions and glows:
#version unofficial MegaPov.6;#init_3d_spline{"",x*2,<2,5>,y*2,<4,3>,<3,2>,
<5,2>,<4,3>,<6,3>,<6,2>,<6,3>,<7,2>,<8,3>,<8,2>}#macro B(C,D)$A=0;#while
(A<1)glow{type 0location z*25size C radius 100fade_power 3color D
translate eval_3d_spline("",A)}$A=A+.002;#end#end B(.05,red.9)B(.1,blue.9)
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Tom Melly <tom### [at] tomandlu co uk> wrote in message
> #version unofficial MegaPov.6;#init_3d_spline{"",x*2,<2,5>,y*2,<4,3>,<3,2>,
> <5,2>,<4,3>,<6,3>,<6,2>,<6,3>,<7,2>,<8,3>,<8,2>}#macro B(C,D)$A=0;#while
> (A<1)glow{type 0location z*25size C radius 100fade_power 3color D
> translate eval_3d_spline("",A)}$A=A+.002;#end#end B(.05,red.9)B(.1,blue.9)
That looks nice. A bit 1980's, but in a good way :)
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Tom Melly <tom### [at] tomandlu co uk> wrote:
: #version unofficial MegaPov.6;#init_3d_spline{"",x*2,<2,5>,y*2,<4,3>,<3,2>,
: <5,2>,<4,3>,<6,3>,<6,2>,<6,3>,<7,2>,<8,3>,<8,2>}#macro B(C,D)$A=0;#while
: (A<1)glow{type 0location z*25size C radius 100fade_power 3color D
: translate eval_3d_spline("",A)}$A=A+.002;#end#end B(.05,red.9)B(.1,blue.9)
The sig is quite small and displaced.
Also requiring megapov is not necessary the best way in my personal
opinion. Your sig will not work with any official povray (not even 3.5)
and not everyone has megapov...
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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"Warp" <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message
> The sig is quite small and displaced.
Now you're getting personal.
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"Warp" <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message
> The sig is quite small and displaced.
> Also requiring megapov is not necessary the best way in my personal
> opinion. Your sig will not work with any official povray (not even 3.5)
> and not everyone has megapov...
How about this one? (look, ma, no spaces!)
#macro A(B,C)light_source{B+z*-9C}#end
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