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I know you are tired my play. Good news: four lines founded.
#macro T(A,B,C)S(A,B)S(B,C)S(C,A)#end light_source{0 1}box{-3 3texture{finish{
reflection 1}} hollow}camera{up y*4right-3*x}#macro S(A,B)cylinder{<A.x,A.y,3>
,<B.x,B.y,3>.1,9}#end global_settings{max_trace_level 9}blob{S(<3,1>,<1,-5>)S(
<2,-2>,<4,-2>)T(<1,0>,<-1,1.5>,<1,3>)S(z-1,z-4)texture{pigment{rgb 1}}} // ABX
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"Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba" <abx### [at] abx art pl> wrote in message
> #macro T(A,B,C)S(A,B)S(B,C)S(C,A)#end light_source{0 1}box{-3 3texture{finish{
> reflection 1}} hollow}camera{up y*4right-3*x}#macro S(A,B)cylinder{<A.x,A.y,3>
> ,<B.x,B.y,3>.1,9}#end global_settings{max_trace_level 9}blob{S(<3,1>,<1,-5>)S(
> <2,-2>,<4,-2>)T(<1,0>,<-1,1.5>,<1,3>)S(z-1,z-4)texture{pigment{rgb 1}}} // ABX
How about this one? The render isn't different but the code is more 'self
similar'... ;)
#macro T(A,B,X)S(A,B)S(B,X)S(X,A)#end light_source{0 1}box{-3 3texture{finish{
reflection 1}} hollow}camera{up y*4right-3*x}#macro S(A,B)cylinder{<A.x,A.y,3>
,<B.x,B.y,3>.1,9}#end global_settings{max_trace_level 9}blob{S(<3,1>,<1,-5>)S(
<2,-2>,<4,-2>)T(<1,0>,<-1,1.5>,<1,3>)S(z-1,z-4)texture{pigment{rgb 1}}} // ABX
Thanks for youre idea for my sig.
#local N=<-4,8,20>;#local K=<4,-8,20>;#local R=seed(0);union{#while((K-N).x>0)
#local X=N;#local N=N+<rand(R),rand(R),1>/30;#local N=(vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K
pigment{rgb N}}sphere{<N.x+8,-N.y,N.z>,.1 pigment{rgb N}}#end pigment{rgb 9}}
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Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote in message <3af8f204@news.povray.org>...
>I know you are tired my play. Good news: four lines founded.
considering Ron's "no warning" suggestion little correction
light_source{0 1}global_settings{max_trace_level#macro T(A,B,C)S(A,B)S(B,C)S(C
,A)#end 9}box{-3 3pigment{rgb 0}finish{reflection 1}hollow}camera{up y*4right-
3*x}#macro S(A,B)cylinder{<A.x,A.y,3>,<B.x,B.y,3>.1,9}#end blob{S(<3,1>,<1,-5>
)S(<2,-2>,<4,-2>)T(<1,0>,<-1,1.5>,<1,3>)S(z-1,z-4)pigment{rgb 1}} // ABX
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Nekar Xenos wrote in message <3af8fe7f@news.povray.org>...
> #macro T(A,B,X)
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