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> Do you think it's a good idea to make a unofficial-povray signature?
> After all, not all povray users even have megapov...
Mmm. Sorry, I didn't think of that. I also noticed I pasted it wrong into
the signature box. This one should be fine (I hope).
Nekar Xenos
#local Q=seed(7);#local B=<-2,2,5>;#local E=<2,-2,5>;#local
threshold 1#while(vlength(B-E)>.1)#local S=B;#local
Q)>/20;#local B=B-2*(B-S)*(vlength(B-E)>vlength(S-E));sphere{0,1,1
translate<B.y,-B.x,B.z>}sphere{0,1,1 scale.1translate B}#end pigment{rgb C}}
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>This one should be fine (I hope).
> Thanks
> Nekar Xenos
> --
> #local Q=seed(7);#local B=<-2,2,5>;#local E=<2,-2,5>;#local
> C=<2,4,6>*4;blob{
> threshold 1#while(vlength(B-E)>.1)#local S=B;#local
> B=B+<rand(Q),rand(Q),rand(
> Q)>/20;#local B=B-2*(B-S)*(vlength(B-E)>vlength(S-E));sphere{0,1,1
> scale.1//NX
> translate<B.y,-B.x,B.z>}sphere{0,1,1 scale.1translate B}#end pigment{rgb
It's still not right. Anyone know how to fix this?
#local Q=seed(7);#local B=<-2,2,5>;#local E=<2,-2,5>;#local
threshold 1#while(vlength(B-E)>.1)#local S=B;#local
Q)>/20;#local B=B-2*(B-S)*(vlength(B-E)>vlength(S-E));sphere{0,1,1
translate<B.y,-B.x,B.z>}sphere{0,1,1 scale.1translate B}#end pigment{rgb C}}
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From: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Subject: Re: I was disappointed with six lines
Date: 8 May 2001 08:21:40
Message: <3af7e4d4@news.povray.org>
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Nekar Xenos wrote in message <3af7d222@news.povray.org>...
> --
> #local Q=seed(7);#local B=<-2,2,5>;#local E=<2,-2,5>;#local C=<2,4,6>*4;blob{
> threshold 1#while(vlength(B-E)>.1)#local S=B;#local
> Q)>/20;#local B=B-2*(B-S)*(vlength(B-E)>vlength(S-E));sphere{0,1,1 scale.1//NX
> translate<B.y,-B.x,B.z>}sphere{0,1,1 scale.1translate B}#end pigment{rgb C}}
#local Q=seed(7);#local B=<-2,2,5>;#local E=<2,-2,5>;blob{threshold 1#while((E
-B).x>.1)#local S=B;#local B=B+<rand(Q),rand(Q),rand(Q)>/20;#local B=(vlength(
rgb 9 is also shorter and readable
perhaps your problem with splitted lines depends on default line length in your
Outlook - but it is rather off topic
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I don't understand the use of '?' and 'B.y'
Could you maybe explain it to me?
> perhaps your problem with splitted lines depends on default line length in
> Outlook - but it is rather off topic
That's OK, I've sorted it out.
Thanks for all your help :)
#local Q=seed(7);#local B=<-2,2,5>;#local E=<2,-2,5>;blob{threshold 1#while((E
-B).x>.1)#local S=B;#local B=B+<rand(Q),rand(Q),rand(Q)>/20;#local B=(vlength(
pigment{rgb<8,16,24>}}// nekar Xenos
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From: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Subject: Re: I was disappointed with six lines
Date: 8 May 2001 10:51:00
Message: <3af807d4@news.povray.org>
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Nekar Xenos wrote in message <3af7f31f@news.povray.org>...
> >vlength(S-E)?B:2*S-B);
> >sphere{<B.y,-B.x,B.z>,.1,1}
> I don't understand the use of '?' and 'B.y'
in your original sig there was assigment
#local B=B-(2*(B-S))*((vlength(B-E)>vlength(S-E)));
expression vlength(B-E)>vlength(S-E) is logical
and can return 1 (true) or 0 (false)
therefore you can change it to:
#local B=B-2*(B-S)*1;
#local B=B-2*(B-S)*0;
and it is eqivalent of:
#local B=B-2*(B-S);
#local B=B;
now, you must know that construction
A?B:C is eqivalent to #if(A) B #else C #end
such equivalent is very popular in programing
(not only POV script language)
(it is described in POV manual under "Float Expressions")
therefore you can write just
#local B=(vlength(B-E)<vlength(S-E)?B:2*S-B);
I have also changed condition for while
from #while(vlength(B-E)>.1) to #while((E-B).x>.1)
Considering that you are going from B to E
you can take length between B and E
but you can also take segment BE
and take one of coordinates
> Could you maybe explain it to me?
Do you need something more ?
> Thanks for all your help :)
Thanks for fun :)
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On Tue, 8 May 2001 16:50:05 +0200, Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
>I have also changed condition for while
>from #while(vlength(B-E)>.1) to #while((E-B).x>.1)
>Considering that you are going from B to E
>you can take length between B and E
>but you can also take segment BE
>and take one of coordinates
Those two things aren't entirely equivalent, unless you can guarantee that
E and B have the same y and z coordinates. The substitution might be good
enough for this purpose, but it won't work in general.
#local R=<7084844682857967,32787982,826975826580>#macro L(P)concat(#while(P)chr(
mod(P,100)),#local P=P/100;#end"")#end background{rgb 1}text{ttf L(R.x)L(R.y)0,0
translate<-.8,0,-1>}text{ttf L(R.x)L(R.z)0,0translate<-1.6,-.75,-1>}sphere{z/9e3
4/26/2001finish{reflection 1}}//ron.parker@povray.org My opinions, nobody else's
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> Do you need something more ?
I'd like to add a cyan 'N' before the 'X' and keep it at four lines, but I
think that's pushing it a little... ;)
Nekar X
#local Q=seed(7);#local B=<-2,2,5>;#local E=<2,-2,5>;blob{threshold 1#while((E
-B).x>.1)#local S=B;#local B=B+<rand(Q),rand(Q),rand(Q)>/20;#local B=(vlength(
pigment{rgb<8,16,24>}}// nekar Xenos
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From: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Subject: Re: I was disappointed with six lines
Date: 8 May 2001 11:11:00
Message: <3af80c84@news.povray.org>
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Ron Parker wrote in message ...
> Those two things aren't entirely equivalent, unless you can guarantee that
> E and B have the same y and z coordinates. The substitution might be good
> enough for this purpose, but it won't work in general.
of course, this shortcuts was connected with sense algorithm
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From: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Subject: Re: I was disappointed with six lines
Date: 8 May 2001 11:16:15
Message: <3af80dbf@news.povray.org>
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Nekar Xenos wrote in message <3af80a77@news.povray.org>...
> Thanks
> > Do you need something more ?
> I'd like to add a cyan 'N' before the 'X' and keep it at four lines, but I
> think that's pushing it a little... ;)
perhaps you can achive N with part of X, something like:
/\/ /
/ /\/
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Cool! Why didn't I think of that... :)
#local N=<-4,8,20>;#local K=<4,-8,20>;#local R=seed(0);union{#while((K-N).x>0)
#local X=N;#local N=N+<rand(R),rand(R),1>/30;#local N=(vlength(N-K)<vlength(X-K
pigment{rgb N}}sphere{<N.x+8,-N.y,N.z>,.1 pigment{rgb N}}#end pigment{rgb 9}}
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