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I came across this code and have on question. If the xcounter and zcounter
are identical, why can't they be interchanged in the translate statement?
The image changes dramtically if I substite "zcounter" for "xcounter" or
vice versa, yet the "declare statements seem to do exactly the same thing.
Any clues?
thanks much,
camera {
location <0,3,-3>
look_at <2,0,3>
light_source {
color rgb 1
#declare r1 = seed(13);
#declare xcounter = 0;
#while (xcounter < 50)
#declare zcounter = 0;
#while (zcounter < 50)
box {<-.25,-.25,-.25>, <.25,.25,.25>
translate <xcounter,rand(r1),zcounter> // rand(r1)
pigment { color rgb <1,1,1> } finish {metallic}}
#declare zcounter = zcounter + 1;
#declare xcounter = xcounter + 1;
dhm### [at] mediaone net
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"Dennis Milller" <dhm### [at] mediaone net> wrote in message
They're recursive (?).
The two "while" loops mean they increase at different rates. Additionally, z
repeats for each increment of x.
You can swap them, but you have to swap all references to them.
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Tom Melly wrote:
> They're recursive (?).
No, just nested.
Recursion would be a macro calling itself for example.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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In article <3ae8369d$1@news.povray.org>, "Dennis Milller"
<dhm### [at] mediaone net> wrote:
> I came across this code and have on question. If the xcounter and zcounter
> are identical, why can't they be interchanged in the translate statement?
> The image changes dramtically if I substite "zcounter" for "xcounter" or
> vice versa, yet the "declare statements seem to do exactly the same thing.
Because they are *not* identical. Indenting the code properly makes it
#declare xcounter = 0;
#while (xcounter < 50)
#declare zcounter = 0;
#while (zcounter < 50)
#declare zcounter = zcounter + 1;
#declare xcounter = xcounter + 1;
The zcounter loop is completely independant of the xcounter loop, and
loops from 0 to 49 *every time the xcounter loop goes through one loop*.
The outer loop runs through 50 times, and for each loop the inner loop
gets reset and runs through again.
This has the effect of zcounter going from 0 to 49 while xcounter = 0,
then again while xcounter = 1, and so on. They start out and end at the
same values, but change at different times and rates.
Christopher James Huff
Personal: chr### [at] mac com, http://homepage.mac.com/chrishuff/
TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org, http://tag.povray.org/
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Dennis Milller wrote:
> I came across this code and have on question. If the xcounter and zcounter
> are identical, why can't they be interchanged in the translate statement?
> The image changes dramtically if I substite "zcounter" for "xcounter" or
> vice versa, yet the "declare statements seem to do exactly the same thing.
> Any clues?
> #declare r1 = seed(13);
> #declare xcounter = 0;
> #while (xcounter < 50)
> #declare zcounter = 0;
> #while (zcounter < 50)
> box {<-.25,-.25,-.25>, <.25,.25,.25>
> translate <xcounter,rand(r1),zcounter> // rand(r1)
> pigment { color rgb <1,1,1> } finish {metallic}}
> #declare zcounter = zcounter + 1;
> #end
> #declare xcounter = xcounter + 1;
> #end
you can't interchange them, because of the call to the
if you interchange the xcounter and zcounter in the translate statement,
you are going to mirror your image on the x=z plane.
(e.g. if you compare the boxes with xcounter==zcounter in the two images
you will notice that they didn't change).
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Ah, I see. So z is happening "inside" x in fact. That makes perfect sense.
Thanks very much.
"Chris Huff" <chr### [at] mac com> wrote in message
> In article <3ae8369d$1@news.povray.org>, "Dennis Milller"
> <dhm### [at] mediaone net> wrote:
> > I came across this code and have on question. If the xcounter and
> > are identical, why can't they be interchanged in the translate
> > The image changes dramtically if I substite "zcounter" for "xcounter" or
> > vice versa, yet the "declare statements seem to do exactly the same
> Because they are *not* identical. Indenting the code properly makes it
> clearer:
> #declare xcounter = 0;
> #while (xcounter < 50)
> #declare zcounter = 0;
> #while (zcounter < 50)
> ...
> #declare zcounter = zcounter + 1;
> #end
> #declare xcounter = xcounter + 1;
> #end
> The zcounter loop is completely independant of the xcounter loop, and
> loops from 0 to 49 *every time the xcounter loop goes through one loop*.
> The outer loop runs through 50 times, and for each loop the inner loop
> gets reset and runs through again.
> This has the effect of zcounter going from 0 to 49 while xcounter = 0,
> then again while xcounter = 1, and so on. They start out and end at the
> same values, but change at different times and rates.
> --
> Christopher James Huff
> Personal: chr### [at] mac com, http://homepage.mac.com/chrishuff/
> TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org, http://tag.povray.org/
> <><
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"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote in message
> Tom Melly wrote:
> >
> > They're recursive (?).
> No, just nested.
> Recursion would be a macro calling itself for example.
Ah - I knew it was the wrong word (hence the "?") - thanks.
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