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Inspired by Warp and others I decided to spent my last evening on signature. I
hope it is not too long for a first time and I like its output.
#local A="000114120001121034130151142153134064180060195"#local B=0;#macro G()
#declare B=B+1;val(substr(A,B,1))#end#local S=seed(1);light_source{10,1}blob{
threshold.6#local U=z;#local Y=0;#while(Y<15)#local E=G()*.7+.1e-3;#local V=<
3.5-G(),G()-2.5,-1>;#local X=0;#while(X<1)sphere{<12*X+rand(S)-6,Y+rand(S)-5,
-1>1,1}sphere{U+X*(V-U)+rand(S)E,.3}#local X=X+.01;#end#local U=V;#local Y=Y+
1;#end texture{pigment{rgb 1}normal{agate}}}camera{location z*8look_at 0}
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Ooh - nice! you're good with clay modelling, eh ;)
What next? Real time raytracing sigs?
"Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba" <abx### [at] abx art pl> wrote in message
> Inspired by Warp and others I decided to spent my last evening on
signature. I
> hope it is not too long for a first time and I like its output.
> --
> #local A="000114120001121034130151142153134064180060195"#local B=0;#macro
> #declare B=B+1;val(substr(A,B,1))#end#local
> threshold.6#local U=z;#local Y=0;#while(Y<15)#local E=G()*.7+.1e-3;#local
> 3.5-G(),G()-2.5,-1>;#local
> -1>1,1}sphere{U+X*(V-U)+rand(S)E,.3}#local X=X+.01;#end#local U=V;#local
> 1;#end texture{pigment{rgb 1}normal{agate}}}camera{location z*8look_at 0}
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Very well done.
Mr. Art
Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
> Inspired by Warp and others I decided to spent my last evening on signature. I
> hope it is not too long for a first time and I like its output.
> --
> #local A="000114120001121034130151142153134064180060195"#local B=0;#macro G()
> #declare B=B+1;val(substr(A,B,1))#end#local S=seed(1);light_source{10,1}blob{
> threshold.6#local U=z;#local Y=0;#while(Y<15)#local E=G()*.7+.1e-3;#local V=<
> 3.5-G(),G()-2.5,-1>;#local X=0;#while(X<1)sphere{<12*X+rand(S)-6,Y+rand(S)-5,
> -1>1,1}sphere{U+X*(V-U)+rand(S)E,.3}#local X=X+.01;#end#local U=V;#local Y=Y+
> 1;#end texture{pigment{rgb 1}normal{agate}}}camera{location z*8look_at 0}
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Nekar Xenos wrote in message <3ae55665@news.povray.org>...
> What next? Real time raytracing sigs?
some time ago I've posted to p.b.anim shortest code for animation.
it cuold be signature but only for somebody called Counter :-)
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Mr. Art wrote in message <3AE58FDE.BC09ADAB@chesapeake.net>...
> Very well done.
> Mr. Art
I found that it has another shorter interesting view
just location 5 intead of location z*8 in camera{} settings
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Perhaps a bit long for a signature, but looks cool.
c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
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Warp <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
: char*i="b[7FK@`3NB6>B:b3O6>:B:b3O6><`3:;8:6f733:>::b?7B>:>^B>C73;S1";
: main(_,c,m){for(m=32;c=*i++-49;c&m?puts(""):m)for(_=(
: c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
Don't know why my old signature jumped back...
#local D=array[6]{11117333955,7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330}
#local I=0;#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I],13),8)-3,10>#end
#while(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().1
pigment{rgb M()}}#local I=(D[I]>99?I:I+1);#end /*- Warp -*/
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Warp wrote in message <3ae564ff@news.povray.org>...
> Perhaps a bit long for a signature, but looks cool.
Thanks, I promise not use it too often.
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very nice :) - think i am just going to have to do one myself now !!
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Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
> Inspired by Warp and others I decided to spent my last evening on signature. I
> hope it is not too long for a first time and I like its output.
> --
> #local A="000114120001121034130151142153134064180060195"#local B=0;#macro G()
> #declare B=B+1;val(substr(A,B,1))#end#local S=seed(1);light_source{10,1}blob{
> threshold.6#local U=z;#local Y=0;#while(Y<15)#local E=G()*.7+.1e-3;#local V=<
> 3.5-G(),G()-2.5,-1>;#local X=0;#while(X<1)sphere{<12*X+rand(S)-6,Y+rand(S)-5,
> -1>1,1}sphere{U+X*(V-U)+rand(S)E,.3}#local X=X+.01;#end#local U=V;#local Y=Y+
> 1;#end texture{pigment{rgb 1}normal{agate}}}camera{location z*8look_at 0}
Interesting technique ABX !
It reminds me of something we played with once
at the university. Guess what.
For another image, try to replace your character
string with this one:
Then also replace the camera location z*8 with
z*18 for a better view of this one.
Btw: You'll get one character less if you replace
.1e-3 with 1e-4. (Or did you do it that way to get
a straight right margin ?)
Best regards,
Tor Olav
mailto:tor### [at] hotmail com
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