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As last year and the year before that, also this year I am the teaching
assistant in the computer graphics course here at Tampere University of
Technology. So it shouldn't be a surprise that we have a povray-work in
the course.
Here are some of the best works made by students this year.
The first image is made with povray and the second image is made with
a painting program (eg. Gimp or Photoshop) using the povray image and other
things and which should represent a music CD cover.
c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
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From: Christoph Hormann
Subject: Re: Computer graphics course results at TUT
Date: 7 Mar 2001 07:31:02
Message: <3AA62A01.B2F9B9BE@gmx.de>
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Some of the pictures look quite good, especially if they are done without
previous povray knowledge, what was the task they were made for?
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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They have good imaginations and a great teacher. They'll go far! :)
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Warp wrote:
> As last year and the year before that, also this year I am the teaching
> assistant in the computer graphics course here at Tampere University of
> Technology...
Congratulations to the students and the teacher.
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From: Mick Hazelgrove
Subject: Re: Computer graphics course results at TUT
Date: 8 Mar 2001 02:13:19
Message: <3aa7310f@news.povray.org>
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Excellent work from both you and your students
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Alberto <jac### [at] usb ve> wrote:
: Congratulations to the students and the teacher.
If that's me, then I must say that I'm just an assistant. The "teaching"
part of "teaching assistant" is just a name, it doesn't mean that I teach
people. I just set up the exercises and check them and give points.
Also it's very possible that some of those people have used povray before.
I can't know :)
c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
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Exciting stuff
Warp wrote:
> As last year and the year before that, also this year I am the teaching
> assistant in the computer graphics course here at Tampere University of
> Technology. So it shouldn't be a surprise that we have a povray-work in
> the course.
> Here are some of the best works made by students this year.
> The first image is made with povray and the second image is made with
> a painting program (eg. Gimp or Photoshop) using the povray image and other
> things and which should represent a music CD cover.
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~suckho/kepua_pov.png
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~suckho/kepua.png
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~m138627/tgraf/POV2001/kitara.jpg
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~m138627/tgraf/POV2001/levy.jpg
> http://www.students.tut.fi/~sutinene/povray1.2.jpg
> http://www.students.tut.fi/~sutinene/kansi1.2.jpg
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~k152261/Venus.png
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~k152261/Venus_CD.png
> http://www.students.tut.fi/~sundstrj/spaideri/povray.png
> http://www.students.tut.fi/~sundstrj/spaideri/final.png
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jube/tgraf/paukku.jpg
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jube/tgraf/kiina.jpg
> http://www.students.tut.fi/~edu/tigra/marvin_640x480.JPG
> http://www.students.tut.fi/~edu/tigra/marvin_512x512.JPG
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~ritala/Spoon.jpg
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~ritala/TheSpoonAlbum.jpg
> --
> char*i="b[7FK@`3NB6>B:b3O6>:B:b3O6><`3:;8:6f733:>::b?7B>:>^B>C73;S1";
> main(_,c,m){for(m=32;c=*i++-49;c&m?puts(""):m)for(_=(
> c/4)&7;putchar(m),_--?m:(_=(1<<(c&3))-1,(m^=3)&3););} /*- Warp -*/
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