I seem to remember someone had made a macro that could take a POV-Ray
CSG Object and turn it into a mesh. Does this exist and can anyone point
me to the page if it does? I searched the links page and I can't find
anything about it.
Josh English
eng### [at] spiritonecom
Joshua English wrote:
> > I seem to remember someone had made a macro that could take a POV-Ray> CSG Object and turn it into a mesh. Does this exist and can anyone point> me to the page if it does? I searched the links page and I can't find> anything about it.
Fusner's Triscan Macro - http://www.silvertome.com/packages/triscan.html
Ken Tyler
Ken wrote:
> Joshua English wrote:> >> > I seem to remember someone had made a macro that could take a POV-Ray> > CSG Object and turn it into a mesh. Does this exist and can anyone point> > me to the page if it does? I searched the links page and I can't find> > anything about it.>> Fusner's Triscan Macro - http://www.silvertome.com/packages/triscan.html>> --> Ken Tyler
Thanks, Ken. When I ran a search for mesh on the links page this one didn't
come up.