until recently most of the images in p.b.i showed up in me netscape news
reader inline. lately however, very few are inline and i have to open
external viewers to see the images. i would guess i changed a setting,
but i can't seem to find it. any ideas?
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Ryan Constantine wrote:
> until recently most of the images in p.b.i showed up in me netscape news
> reader inline. lately however, very few are inline and i have to open
> external viewers to see the images. i would guess i changed a setting,
> but i can't seem to find it. any ideas?
Installed any plugins, lately?
Francois Labreque | It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, it
flabreque | is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
@ | the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a
videotron.ca | warning, it is by caffeine alone I set my mind in
| motion.
- Stolen from Badger's .sig file
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