I was playing around with a version of Winblob that was on the Year One
IRTC CD. I modelled a pretty cool-looking face. When I went to export it
into povray, the rendered image looked nothing like what was being shown
in Winblob.
I played around with the threshold in the exported pov file and could
not duplicate the cool image I saw in Winblob. Maybe the components'
strengths were off, but I didn't experiment.
Has anyone had any luck with this modeller?
I had the same problems with other blob modellers. We really need a WYSIWYG
modeller. Is there any modellers like this?
"Greg M. Johnson" wrote:
> I was playing around with a version of Winblob that was on the Year One> IRTC CD. I modelled a pretty cool-looking face. When I went to export it> into povray, the rendered image looked nothing like what was being shown> in Winblob.>> I played around with the threshold in the exported pov file and could> not duplicate the cool image I saw in Winblob. Maybe the components'> strengths were off, but I didn't experiment.>> Has anyone had any luck with this modeller?
From: Rick [Kitty5]
Subject: Re: Winblob: WYSINWYG
Date: 11 Mar 2001 08:22:02
Message: <3aab7bfa@news.povray.org>
> Personally I think any talk of blobs should be taken to> pov.religion
The nature of the blob, sounds like it could run for weeks :)
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