I believe the phong highlights in POV-Ray has a bug.
When you have a reflective object with a heavy normal then some of the
reflected rays would actually go *inside* the object, but luckily POV-Ray
prevents this some way.
Unfortunately POV-Ray doesn't prevent it with phong highlights, i.e. the
surface *can* "reflect" a light_source which is behind or inside the object.
I think POV-Ray should prevent it like it does with reflection.
Rune S. Johansen
Updated October 17: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk
Containing 3D images, stereograms, tutorials,
The POV Desktop Theme, 350+ raytracing jokes,
miscellaneous other things, and a lot of fun!
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Interestingly enough, in 3.1a and prior versions, you could reflect through
objects by using normals.
Rune S. Johansen <run### [at] inamecom> wrote...
> I believe the phong highlights in POV-Ray has a bug.
> When you have a reflective object with a heavy normal then some of the
> reflected rays would actually go *inside* the object, but luckily POV-Ray
> prevents this some way.
> Unfortunately POV-Ray doesn't prevent it with phong highlights, i.e. the
> surface *can* "reflect" a light_source which is behind or inside the
> I think POV-Ray should prevent it like it does with reflection.
> Greetings,
> Rune S. Johansen
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