I believe I have vertion 3.1d of POV. running in DOS under windows 3.1.
The (u,v) dot funtions seen to be buggy.
I've check the lastest vertion update txt and found no mention of this.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Here is an example of the bug?!
// .v - bad operant error
#declare Pip=<1,2>;
#debug concat("Pip.u = ",str(Pip.u,5,5),"\n")
#debug concat("Pip.v = ",str(Pip.v ,5,5),"\n")
^{ bad operant error}
AND here is some examples of (u,v) working.
#declare Pin=< 1,2,3>;
#debug concat("Pin.u = ",str(Pin.u,5,5),"\n")
#debug concat("Pin.v = ",str(Pin.v,5,5),"\n")
#declare Pin=< 1,2,3>;
#debug concat("Pin.x = ",str(Pin.x,5,5),"\n")
#debug concat("Pin.y = ",str(Pin.y,5,5),"\n")
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