Someone (Bob Hughes?) asked about my remark about doing tga to
animated gif in the GIMP. My rapidly decaying brain had confused
itself a bit. There is indeed a tga GIMP plugin, but it isn't in the
current Win32 beta. The png plugin is available, though, so you can
render to that until Tor or someone else ports the tga plugin. Sorry
for the mixup.
Jerry Anning
clem "at" dhol "dot" com
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Yep, so I was right (partly). The png format is there in Win32 Gimp
alright too, though it doesn't always work. Probably the single most
buggy software I've ever seen, next to MS Windows 3.1 ;) Hmmm, is it
Windows or is it Gimp-or-X ? [uuooo, that shows my age...]
Btw, I don't see Gimp as off-topic; same as any other image program
would be considered to be. They can all have a major role to play in
POV-Ray input/output images.
Jerry Anning wrote:
> Someone (Bob Hughes?) asked about my remark about doing tga to
> animated gif in the GIMP. My rapidly decaying brain had confused
> itself a bit. There is indeed a tga GIMP plugin, but it isn't in the
> current Win32 beta. The png plugin is available, though, so you can
> render to that until Tor or someone else ports the tga plugin. Sorry
> for the mixup.
> Jerry Anning
> clem "at" dhol "dot" com
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