This is what Hotfiles has to say about POV-Ray 3.02:
POV-Ray (Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer) is an
amazing freeware program that creates 3D,
photo-realistic images. It reads syntactical standard
ASCII text files that describe shapes, colors,
and lighting in a scene to produce a highly detailed,
TARGA, dump, or raw format image. The complex
scripting language and huge feature set are a bit
intimidating, but thorough documentation and a large
library of examples are provided to help you crest the
steep learning curve. Provisions for observing,
and restarting the rendering process are included.
Depending on your PC's capabilities, you might need a
conversion utility to view the output. Versions of
POV-Ray are available for almost every popular
including Apple Macintosh, Commodore, and Unix.
Reviewed on Jun 15 1998.
Well, could be better but not bad!
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