I'm put at a loss with a little problem I have..
How do I, with a #while or #macro, make sure a sphere's center is inside another
I can't seem to succeed... I'm probably at the wrong track with this:
please note, this is from memory.
#declare Radius = 11;
#declare N = 5000;
#declare C = <0,8,0>;
#declare s = seed(pi);
#while (N>0)
sphere {
pigment { White } finish { ambient 1 }
#local vd=<rand(s)*Radius,rand(s)*Radius,rand(s)*Radius>;
#local vld = vlength(vd-C);
#while( (vld>Radius) & (vld<-Radius))
#local vd=<rand(s)*Radius,rand(s)*Radius,rand(s)*Radius>;
#local vld = vlength(vd-C);
#declare N=N-1;
Am I totally off here ???
This doesn't seem to get the desired result, but as I've understood it, the vecor
from the center of the sphere equals the radius of the sphere...
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