In a blob
I wanna got one color different of the main.
In a finger the texture of the nail different of the Hand.
but the two texture are always dissolved.
for sample:
#default { finish { ambient 0.5}}
#declare T_ongle=texture { pigment {color rgb 1} }
#declare T_doigt=texture { pigment {color rgb <0.8,0.5,0.5> }}
camera { location <0,10,-5> look_at <0,0,0>}
light_source { 0*x color rgb 1 translate <0,40,-20> }
blob {
threshold 0.60
sphere { <0.50,-.10,0.0>,0.2,1.2 } // (1)
cylinder { <0.50, 0, 0>,<0,1.5,0>,1.0,1 } // (2)
cylinder { < 0, 1.5, 0>,<0,3,0>,1.0,1 } // (3)
cylinder { <0,3,0>,<1.5,3.8,-.1>,1.0,1.}
//---------reduction des noeuds et faisons des ongles
sphere { <0.0,-.18, 0.0>,0.5,-0.32 texture {T_ongle }}
//nail texture
//(1) index
sphere { <0.0, 1.5, 0.0>,1,-1 } //(2)
sphere { <0.0, 3.0, 0.0>,1,-1 } //(3)
texture { T_doigt } // main texture
rotate y*-90
rotate x*60
The two texture are also blob.
what can I make ?
Thanks !
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