POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : This year's most ARROGANT email Server Time
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  This year's most ARROGANT email (Message 11 to 20 of 105)  
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 17 Sep 1998 15:47:47
Message: <36015953.0@news.povray.org>
In article <3602fde1.47561389@news.povray.org> , new### [at] DESPAMpovrayorg
(povray.org admin team) wrote:

>From time to time we of the POV-Team get bug reports or complaints that are
>downright rude and sometimes also insulting. Today we received this doozy which
>has to rate as one of the most rude and insulting emails we can recall
>receiving this year.
>First, a bit of background : 'true' English (i.e. the English language as the
>English themselves spell it) uses the 'z' less often than American English.
>Words such as 'minimised', 'optimised', etc, are spelt just like that - with an
>'s' instead of a 'z' (e.g. not 'minimized' or 'optimized').


>Return-Path: jas### [at] xmissioncom
>From: "Jason Barlow" <jas### [at] xmissioncom>
>To: <win### [at] povrayorg>
>Subject: Minor Bug...
>Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 01:03:02 -0600
>[request for the following 'bug' to be fixed in version 3.1 deleted]
>Whoever is writing  the string/menu resources for  the Windows version is not
>very adept with words like optimized, minimized, or customized...all of which
>are misspelled: optimised, minimised, and customised in POVray. Bad spelling
>is just one of those things that detracts from the professionalism of the
>product and makes users question the intelligence of the authors. 
>[rest of email deleted]
>He's questioning _our_ intelligence ... ? ;)
>-- POV-Ray Webmaster

Education and knowledge are gifts and not all people have these gifts :-(
And thinking before writing is another "gift" this person does not have. BUT he should
have!!! After all POV-Ray is *FREE* and there is *NO* justification for such an


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany

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From: Wykan
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 17 Sep 1998 15:58:42
Message: <01bde26c$ed867800$60f139d1@Default.siscom.net>
Remco de Korte wrote:
> I think Ken wants to congratulate Jaysun.

No no, he's clearly congratulating Dzheyconne.

As always,

(remove the "nospam." from my reply address to e-mail)

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From: Jon A  Cruz
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 18 Sep 1998 02:30:52
Message: <3601F152.DE44501C@geocities.com>
Johannes Hubert wrote:
> Josh English wrote in message <36013B15.12B901EE@spiritone.com>...
> >I haven't seen how Windows 95 has been sold in Europe, but did they really
> change
> >all of the documentation to the Brittish spellings of words like "colour"
> and
> >"minimised"?
> I don't know, but it's not like W95 would be sold in English over here in
> Europe. Well, in Great Britain, Ireland etc. it probably is :-)
> I made a quick check: The international W95 CDs of the MSDN contain W95
> versions for the languages below (for some of which I have no idea what they
> are :-), but I could not find a British-English version, and on the U.S.
> version CD contains only one language version.
> :-)
> Johannes.
> ------------
> Arabic.ena
> Arabic.loc
> Basque

Just FYI, at the Unicode conference last week, the guy showing Office
2000 (I think that's one deadline they'll at least be able to make)
mentioned that 50% of the Office revenues are from English sales, and
only 40% from the US. That leaves 10% non-US English.

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From: Greg Sanders
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 18 Sep 1998 04:51:47
Message: <36021113.0@news.povray.org>
Well, I'm an American and I find it very aggravating that the rest of the
world won't come around to OUR way of thinking.  I mean, doesn't it make a
lot more sense to have 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard and 5280
feet in a mile?  What's with all this base ten measuring systems?
Zappameters and dayglometers or whatever!!
Besides, "Z" is just a cool letter. :-)

Just my two cents  (American currency, of course!)

>He's questioning _our_ intelligence ... ? ;)
>-- POV-Ray Webmaster

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From: Peter Popov
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 18 Sep 1998 04:58:15
Message: <36021297.0@news.povray.org>
I am not a native English speaker, I'm Bulgarian. I've studied into an
American school here in BG and am quite used to American English. During the
five years of my study, however, I've always been taught (by Americans) that
both spellings are acceptable. I know this is the case with TOEFL, SAT, even
SAT II Writing. It is considered bad style, but not a mistake, to use both
American and British English in the same document. I think I should send
this person my English books from the preparatory grade. I don't need them
anymore, but he certainly does.

As most non-native speakers I'd prefer the British (i.e. English) spelling
as being the more widely spread of the two, but it is a choice of the Team
and they have already made it. After all, they give POV for free, and they
don't force anybody to use it. If the sender of the insulting message feels
so much uncomfortable with British spelling, well, there's a POV 3.0
documentation in Japanese he could use.

Please excuse me for any spelling, grammar on styllistic mistakes I have


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From: Hans-Detlev Fink
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 18 Sep 1998 06:23:13
Message: <3602261F.45B2@pecos.n.o-s.p.a.m.de>
Forgive him, he simply doesn't know better. And hopefully
he has learned his lesson now.

When I learned English at school it was "pure British".
(It's better today, they learn both at school, at
least in writing. Pronounciation is still British.)
And we learned _only_ "z" there. Being made curious by this
discussion I tried to find out. I went through all
dictionaries my wife (she's an English teacher) owns
(about 5). They are all British and say unisono "organize,
optimize, ...". (E.g. "Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
of Current English").

So shouldn't it be the other way around: Z=British, S=US?

Forgive me being nit-picking, it's just out of curiosity.


PS: Continue keeping POV "bilingual". It's The Right Thing IMHO.

Remove n.o-s.p.a.m. to obtain my real address.

In seeking the unattainable,
simplicity only gets in the way.
-- ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982

povray.org admin team wrote:
[ . . . ]
> We also would like to officially nominate Jason Barlow for the 'Rudest Support
> Email of 1998' award.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Return-Path: jas### [at] xmissioncom
> From: "Jason Barlow" <jas### [at] xmissioncom>
> To: <win### [at] povrayorg>
> Subject: Minor Bug...
> Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 01:03:02 -0600
> [request for the following 'bug' to be fixed in version 3.1 deleted]
> Whoever is writing  the string/menu resources for  the Windows version is not
> very adept with words like optimized, minimized, or customized...all of which
> are misspelled: optimised, minimised, and customised in POVray. Bad spelling
> is just one of those things that detracts from the professionalism of the
> product and makes users question the intelligence of the authors.
> [rest of email deleted]
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> He's questioning _our_ intelligence ... ? ;)
> -- POV-Ray Webmaster

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From: Henon Fabien
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 18 Sep 1998 20:41:15
Message: <3602FBD1.F8C65200@club-internet.fr>
Hi ! I guess that your message has to be taken with irony. I do not want to
any 'quibble' here, but I have never understood how you could manage with such

intricate measurements. When I spent my working year in Scotland, I noticed
that even people (at least the younger ones) you have been brought up with
inches, stones, miles and  feet tend to use the metric system.

Granted, this post is a bit off topic, but that's my say.


> Well, I'm an American and I find it very aggravating that the rest of the
> world won't come around to OUR way of thinking.  I mean, doesn't it make a
> lot more sense to have 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard and 5280
> feet in a mile?  What's with all this base ten measuring systems?
> Zappameters and dayglometers or whatever!!
> Besides, "Z" is just a cool letter. :-)
> Just my two cents  (American currency, of course!)
> >He's questioning _our_ intelligence ... ? ;)
> >
> >-- POV-Ray Webmaster

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From: Philippe Debar
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 19 Sep 1998 05:45:47
Message: <36036f3b.0@news.povray.org>
Johannes Hubert wrote in message <36014a24.0@news.povray.org>...
>I don't know, but it's not like W95 would be sold in English over here in
>Europe. Well, in Great Britain, Ireland etc. it probably is :-)
>I made a quick check: The international W95 CDs of the MSDN contain W95
>versions for the languages below (for some of which I have no idea what
>are :-), but I could not find a British-English version, and on the U.S.
>version CD contains only one language version.


I do not know about documentation nor distribution...
But MS Word proposes these 'english languages' for checking spelling
(please, don't check mine):

+English (Australian)
+English (British)
+English (Canadian)
+English (Carribean)
+English (Ireland)
+English (Jamaica)
+English (New Zealand)
+English (South Africa)
+English (United States)

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From: Robert H  Morrison
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 19 Sep 1998 09:02:05
Message: <01bde3c5$89e39da0$40563fc3@hitex_mo.hitex.de>
> We also would like to officially nominate Jason Barlow for the 'Rudest Support
> Email of 1998' award.


Jason your chances of winning look REALLY, REALLY GOOD!!

What COLOUR is his award certificate?
Does he even OWN an English language dictionary?

These questions and MORE will be answered at the AWARDS CEREMONY...

Best regards,
 _ __                      _    ,   _ _ _
' )  )     /         _/_  ' )  /   ' ) ) )
 /--' ____/___/> __  /     /--/     / / / __,_  __  o _   ______
/  \_(_) /_) (__/ (_<__   /  ( o   / ' (_(_) (_/ (_<_/_)_(_) / <_

Robert H. Morrison                      Tel:   +49 721 9628 167
Software Development, Basis Team        FAX:   +49 721 9628 261
Hitex-Systementwicklung GmbH            Email: RMorrison@hitex.de

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From: Alessandro Coppo
Subject: Re: This year's most ARROGANT email
Date: 19 Sep 1998 11:33:12
Message: <3603c0a8.0@news.povray.org>
Thorsten Froehlich wrote in message <36015953.0@news.povray.org>...
>In article <3602fde1.47561389@news.povray.org> , new### [at] DESPAMpovrayorg
(povray.org admin team) wrote:
>And thinking before writing is another "gift" this person does not have.
BUT he should have!!! After all POV-Ray is *FREE* and there is *NO*
justification for such an assault!

You are ABSOLUTELY right!!! If I pay for a program, I might complain
(POLITELY, because the people who wrote it are humans like everybody else
and can make mistakes) but when I get a free program, I always get MORE than
what I payed for it.... ;-)

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