thanks to all of you for replying at my previous 'fog problem'
I tried the suggestions but could not work out a satisfying solution.
the problem can be simplified as:
suppose you draw a unity box, centered around the origin.
can you add fog to this scene so that one half of the box completely
disappears into the fog.
so: the front of the box should remain unaffected by the fog and the
the back of the box should be invisible or completely obscured by the
here's the scene:
camera {
location <0, 1.5, -2>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
light_source {<0,1,2>rgb 1}
box {0,1 translate -0.5
pigment{color rgb<1,0,0>}
finish{ambient .5}
thanks for your solutions and have a nice weekend
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