tTh <tth### [at] noneinvalid> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm working on a scene with a lot of light, and rendering
> take a lot of time, even in low quality to place the elements,
> and I thought of a function, equivalent to 'clock' which
> returns the value of the -Q parameter of the command line,
> so I can do :
> #if (quality > 5)
> light_source { ... }
> #end
> I diged through the documentation and found nothing.
> Is it possible to plan this for a future version?
> Is it easy to go into the source code to try to add
> the function? And where to start?
> tTh.
> --
> http://la.buvette.org/POV/Cloitre
What version are you using?
3.7 will let you declare a constant in an INI file
Just set use this.
Have fun!
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