Hi Folks,
I was playing with a macro to create area lights and hit a snag. One of the
parameters was a transform{} block to position the light and this seems to
be working wrong.
After some tinkering I came up with a fairly minimal scene that shows the
problem on my system, in that using a rotate and translate either directly
or in a transform{} block give different results in the Windows version of
Can someone confirm the problem or point out what I'm doing wrong? I find it
hard to believe that it is a bug in such a well used part of the code ...
Mike Andrews.
// --- Start of areaLightTransform.pov ---
// +w640 +h480 +a0.1
// Change useTransform to 'on' to see problem
#declare useTransform = off;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
max_trace_level 50
ambient_light 1
camera {
up <0, 1, 0>
right x*image_width/image_height
location <-1, 15, -25>
angle 10
look_at 0
plane {
y, 0
pigment { rgb 1 }
finish { diffuse 1 ambient 0 brilliance 0.5 }
light_source {
0, rgb 1
area_light x,y, 2,2
#if (useTransform)
transform {rotate -90*x translate <0,2,0>}
rotate -90*x translate <0,2,0>
#declare tBlack = texture {
pigment { rgb 0 }
finish { diffuse 0 ambient 0 }
cylinder { -y,0.3*y,0.02 translate < 0,0,-1> texture {tBlack} }
cylinder { -y,0.3*y,0.02 translate <-1,0,0> texture {tBlack} }
cylinder { -y,0.3*y,0.02 translate < 0,0,0> texture {tBlack} }
cylinder { -y,0.3*y,0.02 translate < 1,0,0> texture {tBlack} }
cylinder { -y,0.3*y,0.02 translate < 0,0,1> texture {tBlack} }
// --- End of areaLightTransform.pov ---
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