POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : POV-Ray 3.8.0 beta 2, Universal binaries available : POV-Ray 3.8.0 beta 2, Universal binaries available Server Time
5 Oct 2024 23:55:34 EDT (-0400)
  POV-Ray 3.8.0 beta 2, Universal binaries available  
From: Yvo Smellenbergh
Date: 21 Aug 2021 12:07:38
Message: <612124ca@news.povray.org>
Both versions run on system 10.9.5 and later, Intel and Apple Silicon (M1).
These are universal binaries.
I have compiled these versions for myself but may as well share them 
with those interested. 

New site:

The old site is no longer updated, the person who gave our site a place 
has disappeared from the face of the earth.
Many years ago, thanks to 'ABX', we got in touch with him but 'ABX' has 
also disappeared from the face of the earth...
We can only hope that they have other interests and are still alive and 
well somewhere...
Time does not stand still, things change



E-mail: yvo(DOT)s(AT)gmx.net

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