I am a green, yet eager PoV novice. Here's a bunch of questions:
1. How do I engrave text on the side of e.g. a torus object?
difference {
torus { 2, 0.75
texture { pigment { P_Gold2
} finish { F_MetalC } }
text { ttf "timrom.ttf"
"TEXT" 1, 0
{ color Red }
{ reflection .25 specular 1 }
scale < 6, 2, 4 >
rotate < 20, -10, 20
translate < -1.5, 0.0,
-10.0 >
In the picture I made it obvious that
I can't do it right; I only differenced the text
object from the ring but the text
should first flow with the ring curvature.
2. How do I get a laser beam, then
curve it along a torus object then get a
lens flare at one end of it ? I know,
these are three questions...
3. Is there a place I can go and find
all sorts of source files that could
possible answer some/all my above
basic questions?
Many many thanks,
Gitay Kryger, Ph.D.
Phone: +972-8-934-3759
Dept. of Structural Biology
Fax: +972-8-934-4159
The Weizmann Institute
Cellular/VoiceMail: +972-52-494725
Rehovot, 76100, ISRAEL
E-mail: Gitay.Kryger@Weizmann.ac.il