Mark Radosevich wrote:
Ken wrote:Truth is it produced nothing. It parses just fine but
> > Take a close look at the box statement below.
> >
> > box{<-1.0, 1.0, -1.0>,< -1.0, -1.0, -1.0>}
> Would this be considered a 1D object ?
> Dan recently accused me of posting a 1D image and
> I think this is a much closer approximation.
> Ken TylerSo, what's the cross product of 1d vectors?
I think I'd be more worried if it parsed that and actually rendered a box on
the screen. Hmmm... if a ray were sent out that just happened to hit, say,
<-1,0,-1>, it would display it, wouldn't it? I'm not sure whether that's a
good thing or not--there's really nothing there for it to hit...-Mark R.
Ken Tyler