With regard to recent discussion with jr about how we define our shapes, I was
going through the wiki docs to refresh and summarize the syntaxes and noticed a
few things. (so far)
The parametric is listed under "Finite Solid Primitives", however the
documentation on that shape then directly contradicts that by saying,
"The parametric object is not a solid it is hollow, like a thin shell."
Perhaps this ought to be moved under the more general "objects" heading to
eliminate confusion?
Under Isosurface, we have the notification that:
"New in version 3.8 a potential pattern has been added to define a pattern based
on the potential field of a blob or isosurface object. See also: Potential
However the same notice is not present under Blob.
On the page:
All objects are listed as "*Reference:[Shape Name]"
however Mesh is listed as "*Reference Talk:Mesh"
Also, the shapes are listed by "extended/expanded shape name" instead of the
actual SDL keyword. So, for instance, Reference:Surface of Revolution
might benefit from an entry of "Reference:sor" pointing to the same page, or
just putting sor in parentheses like so: Reference:Surface of Revolution (sor).
Just for clarity and so it's less confusing for new users.
- BW
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