POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : POV-Ray for Windows Help Server Time
14 Mar 2025 08:00:51 EDT (-0400)
  POV-Ray for Windows Help (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: JamesB7271
Subject: POV-Ray for Windows Help
Date: 11 Mar 2012 17:30:01
Message: <web.4f5d18cb97fb4d1b345179960@news.povray.org>
Can someone please explain to me how the built-in help system works in POR-Ray
for Windows 3.7? If I wanted to look up something like the "rotate" command. If
I select the Index tab and type "rotate", it brings me to the word rotate in the
list. If I double-click that result, it just brings me to the very bottom of
some random page. What am I doing wrong?


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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: POV-Ray for Windows Help
Date: 11 Mar 2012 19:37:47
Message: <4f5d374b@news.povray.org>
JamesB7271 wrote:

> Can someone please explain to me how the built-in help system works in POR-Ray
> for Windows 3.7? If I wanted to look up something like the "rotate" command. If
> I select the Index tab and type "rotate", it brings me to the word rotate in the
> list. If I double-click that result, it just brings me to the very bottom of
> some random page. What am I doing wrong?

there is a problem with the index in the RC4 build
that will be fixed in RC5.

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