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I believe there is an error in the documentation of sunpos.inc, at
The example given reads
//begin example
#include "sunpos.inc"
light_source {
//Greenwich, noon on the longest day of 2000
SunPos(2000, 6, 21, 12, 2, 0, 51.4667, 0.00)
rgb 1
rotate <0, Az-90, Al> //align cylinder with sun
texture {...}
//end example
However, if one experiments with changing the time of day, one will see that the
cylinder does not align to the sun's direction. Changing to
rotate <0, 0, Al>
rotate <0, Az-90, 0>
fixes the problem.
It may help to use a plane at y=0 and a camera with y=up, a little above the
plane, to see the cylinder's orientation.
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in news:web.474cc80d3c745ea32c17e1db0@news.povray.org Russell Towle
> Hi,
> I believe there is an error in the documentation of sunpos.inc, at
> sunpos.inc.
> [...]
> fixes the problem.
I'll have a look.
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"Russell Towle" <rto### [at] inreach com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I believe there is an error in the documentation of sunpos.inc, at
> sunpos.inc.
> The example given reads
> //begin example
> #include "sunpos.inc"
> light_source {
> //Greenwich, noon on the longest day of 2000
> SunPos(2000, 6, 21, 12, 2, 0, 51.4667, 0.00)
> rgb 1
> }
> cylinder{
> <-2,0,0>,<2,0,0>,0.1
> rotate <0, Az-90, Al> //align cylinder with sun
> texture {...}
> }
> //end example
> However, if one experiments with changing the time of day, one will see that the
> cylinder does not align to the sun's direction. Changing to
> cylinder{
> <-2,0,0>,<2,0,0>,0.1
> rotate <0, 0, Al>
> rotate <0, Az-90, 0>
> }
> fixes the problem.
> It may help to use a plane at y=0 and a camera with y=up, a little above the
> plane, to see the cylinder's orientation.
I believe (untested) that changing it to this will also work:
rotate <Al, Az-90, 0>
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"SharkD" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> I believe (untested) that changing it to this will also work:
> cylinder{
> <0,0,-2>,<0,0,2>,0.1
> rotate <Al, Az-90, 0>
> }
Woops! I forgot to adjust the y rotation angle.
Try (still untested):
rotate <Al, Az-180, 0>
Further simplification would lead to:
rotate <Al, Az, 0>
I believe the latter is best.
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