POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : on-line documentation/redirect script problem Server Time
14 Mar 2025 09:56:33 EDT (-0400)
  on-line documentation/redirect script problem (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: ABX
Subject: on-line documentation/redirect script problem
Date: 16 May 2003 04:40:54
Message: <mf89cv0r322jp6ba1g0lfgnp9gprd4cij4@4ax.com>
In the initial page of online version of VFAQ (by Warp) there is a text "please
check out the current version on the internet" where text "current version" is a
linkt to:
which returns
  "Sorry, we cannot find a match for your request"
I just checked and using it as:
works fine (as it is written in newest documentation). So, perhaps redirect
script should convert query to upper case first.


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From: Chris Cason
Subject: Re: on-line documentation/redirect script problem
Date: 3 Jul 2003 03:26:17
Message: <3f03da99@news.povray.org>
"ABX" <abx### [at] abxartpl> wrote in message
> In the initial page of online version of VFAQ (by Warp) there is a text "please
> check out the current version on the internet" where text "current version" is a
> linkt to:
>   http://www.povray.org/cgi-bin/redirect?vfaq
> which returns
>   "Sorry, we cannot find a match for your request"
> I just checked and using it as:
>   http://www.povray.org/cgi-bin/redirect?VFAQ
> works fine (as it is written in newest documentation). So, perhaps redirect
> script should convert query to upper case first.

I've fixed this, thanks for reporting it.

-- Chris

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