On 2023-08-04 16:39 (-4), kirbyanddee wrote:
> Hi, I'm very new to POV-Ray so i've been looking at the reference docs to find
> out what I can do. this code is present in the docs:
> pigment {
> brick pigment{Jade}, pigment{Black_Marble}
> }
> but i can't seem to get it working in a file. here's an example:
> [snip]
> the render fails and it leaves this error:
> File 'firstimg.pov' line 13: Possible Parse Error: Unmatched {
> File 'firstimg.pov' line 14: Parse Error: No matching }, pigment identifier
> found instead
> Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
This appears to be an error in the documentation, as there is no such
pigment Black_Marble. Try Red_Marble, White_Marble, or Blood_Marble.
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