POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : Default values in v3.8.0 Server Time
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  Default values in v3.8.0 (Message 21 to 24 of 24)  
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From: Jim Holsenback
Subject: Re: Default values in v3.8.0
Date: 1 Oct 2018 18:41:31
Message: <5bb2a29b$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/30/18 8:45 PM, clipka wrote:
> "The default pigment has been {{Change}}d in version 3.8 from `rgb
> <0,0,0>` to `rgb <1,1,1>` (requires `#version 3.8` or equivalent INI
> setting or command-line option; see [Version Directive] for more details)."

it's been fixed in pigment and a couple of other places...look here for 
all the places i touched:

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From: Jim Holsenback
Subject: Re: Default values in v3.8.0
Date: 1 Oct 2018 18:43:25
Message: <5bb2a30d$1@news.povray.org>
On 10/1/18 9:24 AM, clipka wrote:

> The text on the Wiki currently reads as quoted above (unless Jim has
> already found time to change it).

yep it's been changed

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Default values in v3.8.0
Date: 1 Oct 2018 21:44:07
Message: <5bb2cd67@news.povray.org>
Am 02.10.2018 um 00:41 schrieb Jim Holsenback:
> On 9/30/18 8:45 PM, clipka wrote:
>> "The default pigment has been {{Change}}d in version 3.8 from `rgb
>> <0,0,0>` to `rgb <1,1,1>` (requires `#version 3.8` or equivalent INI
>> setting or command-line option; see [Version Directive] for more
>> details)."
> it's been fixed in pigment and a couple of other places...look here for
> all the places i touched:
> http://wiki.povray.org/content?title=Special:RecentChanges&hidebots=0

Looks good.

Just one more thing regardig the "Version Directive" section,
specifically the portion giving example code for the version 3.8
defaults behaviour:

The revised presentation of the example code gives it the air of three
separate examples, but that's not how it was intended; rather, it was
designed as a single example, intended to demonstrate how the `#version`
directive can (or cannot) switch back and forth between defaults.

As a matter of fact, the third portion of the example wouldn't have the
described effect if used stand-alone - even if the `#default` statement
was moved from the end of the 2nd portion to the beginning of the 3rd one.

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From: Mr
Subject: Re: Default values in v3.8.0
Date: 2 Jul 2021 17:10:00
Message: <web.60df8097c511635a6adeaecb3f378f2@news.povray.org>
clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:

> > Isn't like a mid-grey the accepted graphics "standard" for "nothing".
> Mid-grey is certainly /one/ standard, but it is not the only one - white
> being another (e.g. the default material for geometric primitives in DAZ
> studio).
> White has the decided advantage over mid-grey in that it is well-defined
> in terms of gamma: White is always white.
> Also, with `diffuse` defaulting to a value below 1.0, it is effectively
> not pearly white.

Also prediction of tint is easier with 1 as multiplier than with anything else,
plus, it provides one less value shift in the case of bitmapped textured

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