On 07/06/2017 02:55 PM, clipka wrote:
> Am 06.07.2017 um 18:31 schrieb William F Pokorny:
>> Anyone know why the right vector perspective camera default is set to a
>> hard coded 1.33 and not 4.0/3.0? Compatibility with old TV standards or
>> something?
> My guess is that it simply was deemed precise enough back in the Amiga
> days (320/1.33 = 240 plus change).
> The quest for backward compatibility presumably did the rest.
Thanks. The github user who recently noticed this, ubuntuslave, posted a
link to the following newsgroup thread:
http://news.povray.org/povray.beta-test/thread/%3C3### [at] gmx de%3E/
from 2001. I agree with Warp's post in that old thread recommending a
change to 4.0/3.0 as the default. Any potential compatibility with past
scenes can be addressed by hard coding a right vector to the current
default value of 1.33.
The documentation update would then be making the default ratio 4/3
Today there is a mix of defaults listed. Where all the camera defaults
listed 1.33 is used. Below when talking about Up and Right vectors the
default is specified as 4/3. In the Aspect ratio section it is
right<1.33,0,0> but then claims a resulting aspect ratio of "4 to 3."
when it is really 3.99 to 3.
Bill P.
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